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Monday, June 17, 2024

How to recognize a cavity?

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When suffering from dental complications, the first thing we think is that we should consult with a dentist or odontologists to avoid the dental condition, especially if we are talking about a cavity. However, although it is very true and advisable to consult your dentist constantly, there are also ways in which we can realize that we are having a cavity and that we should immediately go to the specialist before it gets worse. While it is true that sometimes essential tools are needed for this, we can feel the conditions in time.

Let us begin by describing carie

Tooth decay is a very common dental condition, it is said that 95% of the world’s population suffers or has suffered from this disease, mainly in children, which could have a strong impact on general health and, mainly, on the structure of the teeth. In fact, caries is one of the most common causes of tooth loss in young people.

Bacteria naturally present in the mouth are the ones that can generate a cavity because they accumulate forming hard plaques that are difficult to remove. That is, these bacteria convert food, sugars and starches into acids. When acids, bacteria, pieces of food and saliva combine in the mouth, dentobacterial plaque, a sticky substance, is formed. This plaque sticks to the teeth, usually on the back molars, above the gum line and on the edges of the fillings.

Related: 11 ways to keep your teeth healthy

When plaque is not removed, then it turns into tartar or calculus. Subsequently, tartar and plaque irritate the gums, producing gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and periodontitis (inflammation and infection of the periodontal ligaments and bones that support the teeth that can cause them to loosen and be lost). If after eating, this plaque is not removed, it hardens and turns into tartar, which, like the acids in the plaque, damages the enamel of the teeth and creates holes, the famous cavities.

While cavities may not hurt and go unnoticed in their initial stage, they can also become large and affect the nerves of the tooth. So if a dentist does not treat the condition, it can lead to a tooth abscess, that is, an infection in the tooth. They can also destroy the inside of the teeth, so the treatment will need to be more extensive or a root canal and if left longer an extraction will be needed.

A dentist can detect a cavity very easily by probing the teeth with his dental instruments, looking at dental x-rays that show tooth decay and the degree of decay, and by examining the teeth.

How to recognize cavities?

Just as the dentist may ask you some questions and then just check with his tools, you may wonder and feel the symptoms of a cavity. The best ways to recognize cavities are:

1. Pain in the tooth

Generally when you have a cavity, when chewing or biting you may feel a slight pain. This can range from mild to severe, depending on how advanced it is. Sensitivity can also be felt when touching the tooth.

2. Sensitivity to heat or cold

When ingesting hot or cold foods or drinks, you may experience mild or severe pain, as well as with foods or drinks containing sugars. This may be a sign of tooth decay or some other condition that should be diagnosed by the dentist.

3. Stains and holes

Dark spots can also be observed on the teeth when there are cavities. These stains may be black or brown in color. In addition, the presence of holes or pits in one or more teeth should be checked, as they may be the existence of a cavity.


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