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Monday, June 17, 2024

Planting potatoes step by step…

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Planting potatoes: One of the most traditional crops is one of the less demanding. But this is more true when growing it. Potato planting itself requires increased attention. The planting process involves several steps, on which mastery depends on whether the resulting harvest will be abundant and of good quality.

It is the planting of potatoes, including preparations for their planting, that is the first step in the process of growing this popular crop. Although the planting process is a bit more laborious and requires a bit more time, thanks to the proven procedure, you can handle it much easier and faster. At the same time, you will create optimal conditions for growth and ripening with these potatoes. Especially if you meet the recommended time schedule according to which potatoes to plant and harvest.

Planting potatoes schedule

  • End of February – We buy potatoes for planting.
  • Early March – We let the tubers germinate.
  • April or May – We plant germinated potatoes.
  • July or August – We harvest potatoes of early varieties.
  • Autumn – We harvest potatoes of late varieties.

Planting potatoes begins with the preparation

The planting itself is always preceded by thorough preparation. As part of it, prepare the soil, select a specific variety in the required amount, and get the tools needed for planting potatoes. Part of the preparation is also the germination of potatoes, which requires some time. After its completion, you can start planting immediately.

What do you need to plant potatoes?

  • Suitable variety of potatoes.
  • Pre-prepared compost.
  • Tools necessary for planting.
  • Crate / germination container.

Planting potatoes: Selection of a suitable potato variety

There are several potato varieties, each with something specific. You can choose varieties with different tastes, aromas, or purposes of use. Individual varieties may also differ in terms of land requirements or other conditions associated with planting and subsequent cultivation. It is, therefore, necessary to adapt the selection to the place, under what conditions and for what purpose you plant potatoes. The estimated date of the collection will also be important. Early varieties planted in the spring are harvested after 2 to 3 months. For late varieties, it is necessary to count on vegetation for about 120 days.

Watch out for potatoes from supermarkets

Many growers make repeated mistakes when choosing a variety. This is the purchase and subsequent planting of potatoes from the supermarket. However, they are primarily intended for consumption, for which the suppliers treat them with various sprays or preparations, for example against germination. Germination is key to the faster growth of potatoes, so varieties sold in supermarkets are not recommended to be planted. In addition to not growing at all, they can transmit fungi or other diseases to the soil.

Planting potatoes: Selection of potatoes according to cooking types

Cooking type A

“A” potatoes are among the strongest. This makes them a raw material suitable for use in the preparation of salads or side dishes.

Cooking type B

The second type of potato is a bit less firm, in addition, a little more floury. As a result, it is considered a universal type suitable for preparing many types of food.

Cooking type C

Potatoes of this type contain the most starch. It is a good binder in the way, thanks to which they can be used in the preparation of puree or other ready-made potato dishes.

Cooking type D

The last of the types no longer finds a place on plates. These are potatoes that are mainly used as pet food.

After selection, let the potatoes germinate

If the choice of variety is over and you already have the potatoes at home, it’s time for the aforementioned germination. You don’t have to do anything in this step, just put the potatoes in a crate or other suitable container and place them in a bright place with a lower temperature, preferably around 12 ° C. Nature itself will take care of the rest. Gradually, young sprouts begin to grow from the potatoes, which should have a fresh green color. This will signal that the sprouts are healthy and the potatoes are ready for planting after 4 to 6 weeks.

Planting potatoes in 6 steps

1. Preparation of compost

Well-fertilized soil will be a significant asset for potato growth. Before planting, you can prepare compost, which you can then use to create some kind of bedding.

2. Soil loosening

Potatoes feel best in aerated soil that is not too moist. The soil into which you will plant them, you can dig once or twice well, or dig them, thanks to which they will leak well.

3. Creating furrows

After loosening, start creating furrows, resp. spring the clay from them over these furrows. They should be at least 60 to 70 cm apart, as needed, and enough space.

4. Creation of bedding

Then pour the prepared compost into the created furrows, which you can sift first. An adequate layer of compost will create comfortable bedding for the potatoes and at the same time supply the soil with the necessary nutrients.

5. Planting potatoes

Insert potato tubers into the compost-lined furrows, and you should place them at a distance of about 30 to 40 cm, again as needed. Insert the tubers into the soil with the keys facing upwards so that they do not break in the ground.

6. Hilling

The so-called milling does not have to be approached immediately during planting. Some gardeners do so only after the emergence of the first data. This step is important so that the growing tubers remain in the ground because they cannot grow above the ground. In the planted places, pile the mounds of clay that will hide the tubers of the potatoes.

Council in conclusion…

Planting potatoes in the same place should not be more frequent than once every 3 to 4 years. If you plant potatoes every year, then in order to achieve the best possible yield, it is necessary to change the place and soil regularly.


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