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Monday, June 17, 2024

HTML for Beginners

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Introduction: What is HTML?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and it is the basic language of the web. It is made up of elements and attributes that allow you to create semantic and meaningful markups. Here we will see how it is used to make websites.

HTML is a markup language that defines how content should be written out on a webpage. We use HTML elements to give meaning to those pieces of content, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, etc. And we use attributes such as “class” or “id” to tell the browser how those HTML elements should render on-screen so they can be styled with CSS later on. It has been around since the 1990s and has seen incremental updates over the years.

What are the Components of an HTML Document?

HTML documents are the backbone of any modern website. They are the only way that we can express ourselves and transmit our ideas to the world. These HTML documents are constantly evolving into a more seamless experience for both viewers and creators.

The HTML document breaks down into three main parts: head tags, body tags, and HTML elements.

HTML Elements: These are the building blocks of any web page and include things like images, hyperlinks, tables, forms, and other types of content you can interact with on a webpage.

Head Tags: There are six head tags – HEAD – TITLE – SCRIPT – META – LINK and IMG. Head Tags provide information about how your document should be interpreted by web browsers or other programs that understand them. Body Tags: These determine the formatting for all other pages in your site – whether it’s text or an image or another element that you want to appear somewhere on your page.


Today, HTML has evolved so much that it’s not just about providing the necessary markup for web pages. It has also become the basis for how we access and interact with the internet in general, both on desktops and mobile devices.

HTML tags are used to communicate with the web browser. HTML tags are one of the most important aspects of web design. They’re used to communicate with the web browser and tell it how to display the content. This is done through different types of tags that indicate what kind of content they enclose (things like paragraphs, headings, lists, images).

HTML tags are simple and are often used on the web. There are tags that control what text looks like, where it is displayed, how it is formatted, what links to include, images, or other multimedia elements like video or sound.

HTML tags are text characters that are meant to be interpreted by the browser. They are used to mark up both the content and the document structure of a web page.

HTML tags work the same way as any other programming language. They require a start tag and an end tag (known as an opening and closing tag). The opening tag tells the browser what type of element you want to use and then you provide attributes for that element. The end tags tell the browser when it has reached the end of that section. Know more in this html for beginners blog.

Below is a list of tags that can be used to mark up different parts of a web page:

– Headings

– Paragraphs

– Hyperlinks

– Images

– Lists or ordered lists

Start Learning HTML Today to Build Amazing Websites Tomorrow

Online tutorials are a good way to start learning HTML coding. They provide a step-by-step guide on how to use tags and codes and what they do in detail.

A good place to find these tutorials is on YouTube, where there are many different channels that specialize in teaching beginners HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or PHP. You can also check out this html tutorial.


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