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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Complete Guide about Element by Class or ID

Must Read

In this web journal, our main point of concern is to get element by class name again and you need to be focusing on it right now. If we analyze a particular web page it has one element by class ID and you know why I’m explaining this to you in that particular manner so that you will better conceive when we look at the code, when our ID is used, and when our class is used by the way if you didn’t know all these queries I am articulating it in the coming paragraph.

Why do we have to get element by class name?

IDs are used for a unique element so every HTML page should have only one unique ID but it can have several classes which are of the same name. We have new node title input you will never find new node title input in this HTML page but if you see the class we have class input text the same class is being used as class input text and this is the exact reason why we have to get element by class name so when we use document dot get elements by class name it selects all those elements which have the same class name and returns to us in the form of HTML collection.

Method of element by class or ID

Let’s go to your Chrome browser and remove that part of the input text code this code here we did not want that code so remove it and now you must equal to document dot get element by class name alright and you have to grab the input text  (input.txt).  It was input and text continuously. So the next thing you must do is copy this and paste it from where you removed the code. It is input text and when we print that we have a history ml collection.

It is an HTML collection of length to forget has two elements and within that, it has the first element which is of the ID new node title input or element by class id, and then the second element which has new node body input. So this is how it is its HTML collection is again like arrays only it is a collection of elements or as a list, it’s a collection of elements you can now grab the first element by mentioning I of 0 all right when you hit enter it is going to give you this first element which is the title the tie the place where we enter the title here. There is the element it returns us again you can do of one to get the second element that is how you deal with the HTML collections.

How to operate multiple HTML collections?

What if we had many HTML collections and you wanted to run them within a loop you can again do that by using a for loop for let X equal to 0 X less than I dot length which tells how many elements are there in that and X plus alright and within this loop we are going to say X off what shall we change let’s change the X it’s going to be I of X because it is the eye of whatever the index zero or one until the length dot style dot border.

Border equals to let us set it to three pixels solid red and close it come down to close the for loop and hit enter to see that the border of these two have been changed to explain to you if you didn’t know what for loop is it executes this it exudes this many times and that many are decided by this factor here X less than length and X plus so from 0 till the length of this thing and at each iteration incremented by one it is going to do I of 0 dot style dot border and it’s going to apply this style and you have one dot style dot border and it’s going to apply this thing so this is how you use get elements by class name.

Final verdict

I hope this content will help you to resolve your doubts about the element by class ID that many people have asked from us. You are now able to use these techniques in the best possible way in the future. If you are still unclear about anything please let us know.


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