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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Treat Your Sports Injuries With The Best Orthopedic Surgeon

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From finding difficulty in throwing a ball to muscle strain. Most of the athletes while playing sports may experience mild to severe injuries that need to be checked by the orthopedic professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. Are you experiencing bone fracture or elbow overuse injury? Is it simply muscle pull or something more is involved?

Don’t dwell on it. We are here with our team of board-certified, professional surgeons who can examine you using ultra-modern Diagnostic tools including MRI machines and fluoroscopic techniques.

Are you suffering from sports injuries?

While playing sports athlete often undergoes through aches and pain, or an injury about which they even don’t know. Let’s talk about some common sports injuries.

Traumatic brain injury

Millions of athletes experience traumatic brain injury annually by direct or indirect injury to the head and neck. A lot of athletes annually suffer from this type of injury leading to long-term disability. We after determining what’s wrong, providing patient medical care with our team of professionals through different procedures that may apply to your injury. After the procedure we monitor the recovery process, creating and changing treatment plans as necessary.

Bone fracture and stress fracture

It may occur due to direct damage to the bone or maybe due to pressure or tension on any particular area for a prolonged time. We provide effective treatment for these injuries by the best orthopedic doctor.

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The sudden turning of any joint may result in dispositioning of the joints and resulting in severe pain and bruises. This injury is quite disturbing and affects the performance of an athlete, therefore, requires immediate medical care. We provide the most suitable medical care, by determining what’s wrong, ranging from physical therapies to regenerative therapies.

Elbow and shoulder injury

While wrenching and twirling in some games like table tennis and volleyball, some of the athletes experience inflammation and pain. Hence, we provide the most suitable treatment whether surgical or non-surgical treatments for these elbow and shoulder injuries ranging from subacromial bursitis to tennis elbow.

Knee and ankle sports injuries

Overstretching, bumping, or squatting can lead to injuries to the knee and ankle. Therefore, we are concerned about providing effective treatment for your injury by our team of the best orthopedic professionals.

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Medical care we provide for your sports injury

We understand the fact that every injury is unique and requires a specific methodological approach to your injury. Within this perspective, we take an individualized approach to your sports injury and then design a plan of action. After all, we are concerned to treat our patients not merely by their symptoms.

However, our treatment plan focus on pain alone won’t remedy the underlying problem. Thus, our best orthopedic doctor uses imaging procedures for correct diagnosis including X-rays, bone scans, computed tomography scans After diagnosis we decide the treatment process. We address all the concerns of the patient before, during, and after surgical processes.

Physician’s examination

At our clinic, we’ve treated lots of patients and it all started with taking the history of the patient and finding out the root cause of the problem through our avant-garde professionals.

Accurate diagnosis

Accurate diagnosis is the roadmap to recovery. Our sports medicine physician and board-certified orthopedics will find the root cause of the injury and assess diagnosis. After making an accurate diagnosis, we decide the way forward to a specific injury. However, the Plan of action depends on your injury, pain, and the severity of the disease.

Suitable options to treat a sports injury

Fortunately, we offer both surgical and non-surgical treatment at our place including personalized rehabilitation and regenerative treatments, such as PRP at our outpatient departments. Your particular symptom, as well as lifestyle activity, give us an idea about which particular treatment option to consider moving forward.

10 Common Sports Injuries: Prevention and Treatment

Non-surgical treatment options

Based on you and your activity we develop strength training regimes to cure your sports injury.

Physical therapy

Less intensive injury can be treated by strength training, physical therapy, assistive braces, and some lifestyle modifications.

However, these physical training exercises will strengthen your muscle and improves the motion of the affected part. From physical therapy to basic knee mobilizer your non-surgical treatment is determined by our professional and experienced orthopedic surgeon in Lahore.

Regenerative Injections

In past, the patient was limited to the injection like cortisone and steroids to relieve pain and inflammation. But now, due to advancements in modern science, some regenerative solutions have been produced for bone growth and tissue healing. So, let’s take advantage of our advent facile sops by our best orthopedics and get benefited from innovative regenerative injection options.

Surgical options

When your symptoms cannot be managed by nonsurgical procedures or your physical capability is keeping from daily chores then the remaining option would be surgical treatment.

Bone fracture injury

The particular surgery depends on the severity of the fracture. Sometimes metal screws, pins, rods, or plates are used for severe fractures to hold the bone in place. Therefore, we offer surgical treatment for these fractures by our team of experienced orthopedic surgeons for sports injuries.

Knee surgery

Sometimes, many non-surgical options are not much effective for older individuals. Such individuals require surgeries to compete for these injuries. Hence our team of board-certified professional provide surgical treatments to cure knee injuries.

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Shoulder and elbow surgery

Repetitive use of shoulder and elbow while playing leads to shoulder and elbow injuries. To treat these types of injuries we provide surgical treatments including nerve compression surgery, rotator cuff surgery, and others.

Non-invasive surgery

Today, large open incisions are substituted by minor incisions by the use of innovative technology in the field of medicine. We are offering the best medical care including innovative techniques like arthroscopic surgeries which result in less inflammation and faster recoveries as compared to open-end surgeries. These surgeries are tailored for tendons, ligament, and joint preservation. These smaller incisions reduce wound healing time and risk of infections.


In a nutshell, whether it’s a surgical or non-surgical procedure, our priority is the well-being of patients and treating the patient’s injury. Our goal is to provide the best medical care for the athlete’s injury. Our health professionals after proper diagnosis communicate with the patients to help them decide what is the best suitable treatment for them to meet their needs and ensure the quality of life for the sportsman.


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