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The benefits and disadvantages of electric cars: are they worth it?

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Since their introduction, Electric Vehicles (EVs) have made a tremendous technological stride and created quite a hum in the automotive industry. Yet, people are hesitant to make a shift from their gas-powered vehicles to electric cars. This might largely be due to the shortcomings that follow the EVs, but with the rise in technology, things have been improved over the years. 

The cost of buying an EV is decreasing, making it easier for people to buy one. Secondly, the trend of EVs will stay for long as the government announced the ban on full petrol and diesel cars by the end of 2030. Although, the hybrid ones are allowed to hit the road until 2035.

This is why you can easily notice the increase in the number of Electric Vehicle Component Suppliers in India. EVs are the future and will help save non-renewable sources of energy and preserve the environment from air pollution.

While electric cars have their downsides, there are also significant benefits to owning one.

Advantages of Electric Cars

Cost-effective to run

The cost of running an EV is lesser than running a diesel or petrol-based vehicle. Electricity is cheaper than petrol, which significantly reduces the running cost of the car. While the purchase price of EVs is higher than gas-powered cars, you can still save a considerable amount on fuel costs each year.

Additionally, maintenance cost is also less. In EVs, there are fewer moving parts, which means:

  • You have to spend less on replaceable parts like brake discs and pads.
  • It takes less time to service an EV that means the car will spend less time off the road.
  • The cost of service will not go beyond a basic check-up.

Environmentally friendly

Electric vehicles run entirely on electricity with no gas emission, leading to a more pollution-free environment. They can be powered completely with 100% renewable electricity. With no fumes emitted, the vehicles help us conserve our environment for the generations to come. 

Convenient to drive

The vehicles are easy to recharge, and you do not have to run fuel stations to get on the road. A normal socket will be enough to charge an EV. Plus, driving an electric car is simple, smoother, and safer because: 

  • They are equipped with an electric motor that makes EVs responsive when you put your foot down.
  • The weight and distribution of the batteries create a low center of gravity, resulting in better handling and comfort.


EVs are the new buzz in the market. They are approximately three times more efficient than an internal combustion engine. Plus, their look is designed keeping in mind the latest and advanced trends in the market. You can find different kinds of EVs available and pick the one that matches your taste and requirements.

More savings

The cars are fueled with electricity, which is a renewable energy source and readily available in every home. Plus, the government offers grants to drivers of EVs for going green. The vehicles offer a great way to save money in the long run.

Reduced Noise Pollution

Electric cars help put a stop to noise pollution as they run much quieter. They have electric motors that allow smooth driving with higher acceleration over longer distances. A majority of electric cars owners have reported positive savings in a year. 

Good battery life

Batteries are one of the crucial parts of an electric vehicle. Most EVs have lithium batteries, and their costs are decreasing every passing year.

The capacity of a lithium-ion battery cell is good to go for 300 to 500 cycles and can last you up to ten years. With the improvements in technologies, the expense of these batteries is expected to come down even more.

Disadvantages of Electric Vehicles

Recharge points

You can’t easily find an electric fueling station as they are still in the development phase. Not all the places you travel to will have an electric fueling station to recharge your car and keep it on the road. So, it becomes difficult planning long trips, especially to sub-urban areas, as there are chances of you getting stuck between the route.

Although charging stations are more widespread, carry a charging station map where you live and where you often go so that you’ll be able to power your new EV when you need to.

Purchasing cost is higher

The purchasing cost of EVs is higher than that of conventional vehicles. Even the affordable brands offer an EV for approximately $30,000 to $40,000.

In case you are going for a luxury option, you will be surprised to see the price range as it may be up to $80,000 or even more. Although with the developing technology, the prices of these cars are dropping, you have to pay higher than a gas-powered car.

Mostly 2 seater

The majority of EVs that are made currently are two-seaters. Therefore, if you are planning a full family trip, going for an EV cannot be a good option.

Noise-free can sometimes be a disadvantage

As an electric car runs with minimal noise, there are chances that people will not hear the vehicle coming from behind, which may lead to accidents.

Quick battery replacement

Based on the type and usage of batteries, they are required to be changed every 3-10 years.


These are some of the advantages and disadvantages of electric vehicles. Considering all the points mentioned above and the continuous rise in the technology segment, we can say that going for EVs can be a better option. 

For Further reading: buzztum.com

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