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Monday, June 17, 2024

Expert Features to Include in Android Application Development

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Introduction: It is only the mobile app features that instigate and accelerates the web traffic to your mobile application. As we know that, Android App Development Services constitutes around 85.9% of the Global Market Shares.

In one of its last year’s reports, Google announced there were over 2 billion monthly active devices on Android. Now a-days Android Apps are becoming an all-time favorite because of their business in industries like social media, e-Commerce as well as messaging, on-demand apps, and inventiveness apps. Thus, it is now indispensable for Mobile Development Dubai companies to  Hire Android Developers to comprehensively and devotedly integrate important features in an android app.

Android Applications

Uncomplicated and User-Friendly Affiliate

You should ensure that your android app should not be complicated and its functionality should be user-friendly. It should be very simple with a touch of sophistication in the user interface so that no matter whatever be the requirement, all can easily handle the smartphone and operate it without having any prior experience.

As we know that users generally make a good or bad impression of the mobile app within a couple of minutes after using it.  Therefore, it would be better that you may hire dedicated developers who would simplify the user interface design and focus on it while developing the wireframes.

An android app should have such a feature that users may get to the desired page with just a few taps without waiting too long. Android app development services may add an advantage to it by creating some shortcuts for its important functions.

Implementing Business App Features

Organizations are generally showing their growing interest in enterprise or business apps because of their number of venerable advantages. By improving the communication between the employees and different teams enterprise app helps in streamlining the business process. In this regard, Mobile App development Dubai Companies focuses on providing robust security to ensure that your data is safe. While developing an android app you may also add a message or chat-based feature as of enterprise app so that people can interact with one another smoothly. Additional features of CRM, ERP, and SAP integration could also be included to make an android app more successful.

Simple and Short Login Page

Mobile apps should have a simple login page. These days most mobile android apps allow users to register themselves through their email id and mobile numbers. The feature of creating a personal profile should be there so that owner may collect important data, especially in case if it is an on-demand app.

It is observed people generally get tired of filling in unnecessary questions and long forms for registration on mobile apps. They get irritated and then finally decide to uninstall the app. Hence it is being advised that the login page should be simple and short. It should only include name, mobile number, email id, and if necessary the address.

Room for User Feedback

One of the most crucial features of your mobile application is user feedback. As only user feedback will decide your app brand is hit or flop. On the basis of user feedback, new users will get to know more about your android app. Since improvement in your mobile app functionalities directly depends upon the feedback you received from potential audience. You may hire an android developer to provide room for user feedback in your android app so that it would allow innumerable people to send their important suggestions to you on your app either by writing comments or through giving ratings.

Social Media Tools should be integrated

In order to promote your android app in the market; no doubt you should choose the platforms of social media as one of the best and most effective marketing tools. For this, you need to hire dedicated developers to integrate and get connected your android app with social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can use such media channels for marketing your mobile app and get information about the app updates.

Fast Track Loading Speed

Due to slow loading speed, many mobile applications fail to create a long-lasting impact in the market. Your android application should incorporate the feature of providing a quick response as preferred by the users. Hence you should keep this on the priority that your android app should have fast track loading speed.

Unique and Great Design

Another important feature of an android app is its uniqueness and its design. The design of a mobile app is as important as the design of a website. Its first impression should be quite powerful as it should be designed taking brand and company name into consideration.  In this way, you may establish a brand identity and users may easily associate your mobile app with the company brand.

Secure and Safe Data

In today’s world, security is such an important factor for every user when it comes to the download and use of mobile apps. You must make efforts by taking necessary measures to win the trust of visitors so as to ensure users that their information is protected and their security is not compromised.  Small data leakage can be a big loss for your company that you may lose credibility.

Integration of Payment Gateway

A secured payment gateway could be introduced to your mobile app. So that it allows users to directly purchase the product by making payment from your app, not from any other tool.

Also, Read- 10 Mobile App Development Tools Every Successful Developer Must Have In 2021


In this competitive world, your android app should stand apart in the crowd by offering unique, user-friendly, and simplified features. It will help in winning the trust of million people. You must have to take customer requirements into consideration before implementing any feature to your mobile app. We here recommend you to conduct market research to know the real demand of customers and to get the real picture of the market. You must ensure to put additional features for a successful run of your mobile app.

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