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Monday, June 17, 2024

These 6 Facts Will Change the Way You Approach Custom Packaging

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Custom Packaging: If you are running a business in today’s world, it is hard to overlook the significance of packaging. No matter what type of products you sell, its custom packaging plays an important role in giving good exposure to your brand. A well-designed packaging performs multiple functions. It protects your products the best, enhances their display, and advertises your brand more effectively. However, your packaging should be functional and attractive to cater to the needs of the customers. Over time, there have been a lot of innovations. This has changed the way anyone approaches custom boxes. Instead of considering them just a container to hold the product, you can use them in multiple ways to benefit your business. Let us have a look at 6 amazing facts that will completely change the way you approach custom packaging. They have also influenced the customers’ perception significantly. 

The Material:

Depending on the type of packaging solution you want to create, picking up the right material is essential to get the best results. For example, if you are selling perfumes they cannot be protected best with slim paperboard. You should use thick cardboard to retain the quality of the product and ensure that the fragrance is kept in its place. Therefore, before finalizing the packaging material, it is better to make strong research on alternatives available. Pick the best appropriate one. 

Size Matters:

If your product comes in various sizes, then a custom packaging solution becomes essential to consider. You do not have to create a unique measurement for every product rather go for 2 to 3 normal shapes based on the measurement number of your item. Your custom wholesale boxes should be able to support your products well. Such packaging does not only proves highly protective but also affordable to use. After making a quality item, the next important thing is to pick up the right custom field for your packaging solution. Remember few points to get a right-sized custom box for your product. 

  • Think about the level of protection your product demands. 
  • Choose paperboard in the case of food or other retail commodities and go for cardboard/corrugated cardboard in the case of fragile or heavy items like glass bottles or machinery etc. 
  • Measure your product dimensions. 
  • Keep a margin of the half to one an inch while designing the custom printed boxes. This makes your product perfectly fit in with the minimal movement. Such measurements will also not damage the box while inserting the product. 
  • Keeping a margin of an inch in box size will allow you to place in additional filler like tissue wrap, shipping peanuts, or shredded paper if needed. 

Provides an Exceptional Experience:

If you offer an excellent product, the way to make it more desirable for the customers is exceptional packaging. Custom printed boxes are not only a means to enclose and preserve your product; rather they may leave a nice and memorable experience for the customers if designed properly. Creating an initial impression has become the biggest concern these days. The businesses are working on various design elements to make their brand more memorable for the customers. The use of different customization options like introducing a tissue wrap, inserts, or placing a note or any promotional material inside can provide a great unboxing experience that customers remember for a long. 

Advanced Printing Capabilities:

Custom packaging provides you with unlimited printing options to work on the display of your custom wholesale boxes. Printing can take your brand’s sophistication to a next level. The use of attractive colors, eye-catchy fonts, and enticing artwork can grab the customer’s attention in seconds. The printing companies work on various design elements to create an exceptional package for your brand. Offset, screen, and digital printing are being used for years. The latest trends in finishing include UV-treated high-gloss and liquid-based coating. Other options are gloss/matte lamination, embossing, debossing or metallic foiling, etc. Such high-value printing and finishing options make customers perceive your brand more considerable.                

Carry The Competition:

If everybody will put his scent in a round bottle in a traditional packaging box, nothing will be left to differentiate you from the competition. You should try that way or design your packaging in a way that makes your brand more noticeable on shelves. For this, pick up the right box style first. It is not necessary to use a typical rectangular box with closing flaps. Rather experiment with different box shapes like sleeves, gable boxes, flip-top boxes with magnetic catch, and a lot more. Similarly experiment with unique color schemes and innovative printing designs to acquire a competitive edge. If you are different, you should make your brand look different from others. It’s the best way to make your brand stand out from the competition. 

Maintains your Budget:

While selecting a particular custom packaging for your products, you must consider your budget as is not associated with merely one item; neither it’s a one-time buy. Fancy and innovative printed packaging boxes will cost you more than traditional-looking packaging but designing a customized solution can make you save cost in several ways. A perfect size box will not only cut off the use of raw material and filler packaging but also enhance the level of protection. It minimizes the risk of damage and returns thus adding more value to your business. When each of your products is placed in a perfect-sized box, you can transit more packages on the same freight carrier. It reduces your transportation charges and improves the efficiency of the process. 


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