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Digital Marketing discovering the trends of 2021

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Digital Marketing discovering the trends of 2021 Between Chabot’s, personal assistants and videos, here are some trends to keep track of in the new year that has just begun.

The Digital Marketing in Canada is a fluid industry and changing: every year new technologies entering the market and existing ones will improve and always evolve more, as a result, changing user habits and changing market practice that until recently were given for certain and consolidated, Digital Marketing discovering the trends of 2021 this makes the field of action of Digital Marketing broad and difficult to define .

The speed at which these changes occur is always greater and it is often not easy to keep up, but what you can do to not be caught unprepared is to analyze the year just ended and try to understand what could be the Digital Marketing discovering the trends of 2021 in the sector of the Digital Marketing.

From Chatbots to Personal Assistants

Regarding the adoption of chatbots , a study found that 16% of respondents have already introduced a chatbot in their company, 11% say they will never introduce it because they consider the content to be offered to the user too complex, while the remaining respondents believe they will adopt chatbots in the short term.

These tools have several advantages:

  • they are programmed to respond to a more or less large number of queries from users;
  • they have the ability to respond instantly , 24 hours a day;
  • the cost of activating and maintaining a chatbot is quite low for a company;
  • the guide and assistance of the chatbot manages, in a simple way, to guide the user in achieving his purpose and not to undermine his user experience.

The evolution of the chatbot always involves more the introduction of the voice : with the entry of the stage personal assistants to voice searches are one of the most important digital trends that have developed over the past year and which are intended to establish itself in 2021, because using your voice is easier, faster and less tiring.

Personal assistants, such as Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana and Siri , are significantly expanding their range of action, managing to cope with different types of needs expressed by a user: from the request for road information, up to home automation and control of the household appliances, these technologies try in every way to help us in every micro-moment of our daily life.

Source: Google

The voice searches will change then also how to do SEO and Content Marketing , in fact, changing the way users relate with the web, it also changes what brands and agencies must offer consumers.

The searches carried out through the voice are very different from those written through a keyboard: the interactions between machines and users are more conversational and take place through a spoken language, simple, direct and, often, in the form of a question.

It becomes essential to have a deep understanding of people, their context and their needs, in order to create texts for people, natural and with long-tail queries, which respond effectively to the expectations of those who are doing the research.

Video and Live Streaming

It has been understood for some time that videos are an essential element of Digital Marketing, but in the last year this digital trend has become more important and present every day in the strategies and projects of companies all over the world.

The platforms dedicated to streaming have grown, Netflix among the largest, and live and direct videos go crazy on Social, which allow the public to get in touch with a brand and, in turn, allow the brand to be better known by its audience.

A video, as well as an image or a graphic, allows you to better understand a concept and remember it more easily, which is why brands are producing more and more video content: live video of events, stories from the backstage, “tips and tricks” style videos o “how to”, useful or entertaining contents that are easily accessible by users and of great impact.

Companies increasingly need to produce videos, for several reasons:

  • 72% of companies say video has improved their conversion rate;
  • 64% of customers are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video about it;
  • a third of the time spent online is spent watching videos;
  • video advertising accounts for more than 35% of media budgets on average.

News for Social Networks

As for Social Networks, to understand what awaits us it is important to know what the evolution of 2018 was: the introduction of a new algorithm for Facebook, the enormous growth of Instagram and the closure of Google+, are just some of the earthquakes that shook this sector in the past year.

But what are the news for 2021? The micro-influencer will be joined by a celebrity-established, to support companies in the conquest of niche markets.

While macro-influencers are famous people, known by many, micro-influencers are normal people, authentic and similar to their followers, by whom they are considered reliable and above all credible. Furthermore, their costs for collaborations are more affordable than those required by great people.

In 2021, it will become increasingly important for brands to communicate with their users and express their values: in an era in which supporting a brand means reflecting themselves in it, consumers decide to tie themselves to a brand also based on ideas and concepts.

That are transmitted and that are capable of conveying the corporate mission and vision. It is therefore time to review the Social strategies with a view to transparency and proximity to users to make it clear who is really on the other side of the screen.

But if a change is inevitable, one thing must never change: the quality of the content produced. If it is in fact essential to constantly improve, it is equally important to never forget what are the bases for the production of a strategy and an effective project aimed at achieving a result.

To do this, it will be increasingly important to know the target audience in depth and in detail and try to create personalized content that can focus on the user or customer and respond comprehensively to their needs.


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