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Sunday, June 2, 2024

5 Onam Celebration Ideas In Office In 2021

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Onam is all around the corner. The Onam festival date 2021 is August 21. The ten days of Onam start from August 12th to 23rd August. Onam is a major festival of Incredible India. It carries its share of cultural significance. Being one of the few festivals that Malayali Hindus celebrate, Onam is celebrated by all Malayalis irrespective of their country of living. 

The importance of Onam is immense. Right from remembering the religious stories behind the festival to celebrating with family and friends to strengthen the social bonds, Onam signifies it all. 

Onam boasts of its specialties in terms of food, activities, and religious significance. The boat races and elephant decorations add international recognition to this festival. The floral decorations made in the name of Pookkalams are an added attraction.

Onam is also the season where people shop for new things. Loved ones make sure to surprise their near and dear by sending Onam gifts to them in person or online. However, this Onam season is still not ready for the group celebrations because of the pandemic. 

Thus, plan your Onam celebrations in a safe manner taking all precautions. While some are working from the office, many employees are still working remotely amidst these testing times. If you are looking for Onam celebration ideas in the office or virtually, here we have shared 5 easy ways. Move ahead and check them out.

  1. Organize dressing competitions: Onam is known for its authentic dressing. Organize the best-dressed competitions in the office. If you are working remotely, you can do the same by asking employees to send their Onam dressing pics to decide the winner of the competition.
  1. Enjoy potluck: Plan the Onam feast menu. Encourage your teammates to bring in their share of recipes for Onam lunch. If the celebrations are planned virtually, you could have a fun video call during lunch. You could share your recipes and discuss the secrets of authentic Malayali cooking.
  1. Participate in language competitions: Onam festival is all about celebrating cultural greatness. Let the importance of Onam reflect in your Onam celebration in the office. Organize Malayalam speaking competitions with your teammates where they should speak only in Malayalam for three minutes without adding any other language words. This is one of the Onam celebration ideas that you can perform virtually too. 
  1. Organize helping camps: Kerala is hit hard during the second wave of the pandemic. Use this Onam season to help those families hit hard due to the pandemic. Gather funds and help your share to orphanages, old age homes in meeting their medical and food supplies. Organize blood donation and create awareness about the same. You can also implement this idea virtually by taking an active part in social media campaigns and collecting donations virtually and transferring them online to the needy.
  1. Send surprise gifts: This Onam festival season is definitely in low spirits. With the whole country and the state severely hit by viruses, everyone is in low spirits. To uplift the mood of your friends at work, send them surprise Onam gifts online. Make sure the gift is sensible and can boost their spirits. This is one of the best Onam celebration ideas you can organize safely and in a meaningful manner. 

Onam is one of the precious times to celebrate with friends and family. Make sure this festive season uplifts everyone’s mood through its celebrations either in the office or virtually. Happy Onam to you. 


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