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Sunday, June 2, 2024

10 Painting Tools that You Must Have while Painting Your Home

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When you start thinking of some best color combinations for your home painting task, you also do a lot of research on some best quality paints available in the market. Have you ever realized the essence of using quality painting tools in delivering the task with absolute perfection and getting the desired sheen on your walls? If not you must do it now! Quality-proven paint tools not only gives you desired results but also makes your panting task much easy, flexible, and manageable. Using good quality and apt painting tools, you can easily eliminate all the possible hassles that come to your way in painting your home. Even if you have never undertaken a DIY painting task, you can easily get good command over painting with the right set of paint tools in UAE. This post will elaborate on some essential painting tools which you must have while painting your home to ensure a smooth and hassle-free painting.   

Sand paper to get a Smooth Surface

Before you get started with your painting task, you need to prepare a smooth surface for it. A good quality sand paper with 80 to 120 grit will work effectively to remove the earlier paint coat. Buy sand paper from trusted or renowned painting tool supplier like Towertools. Towertools is a one-stop platform for all your painting tools requirements and you can easily explore a wide range of painting tool under different categories. Make sure that you wear goggles and a face mask to avoid dust particles entering your nose and mouth. At first, just apply the sand paper gently on walls and when it starts shedding paint layer, you can exert little more pressure to ensure smoothest surface for painting.

Small-sized Paint Brushes

These small-sized paint brushes will help you to cover several fine areas where your roller may not cover effectively. There are some corners and small areas at your home where rollers may not offer fine painting. You can use these small-sized brushes to paint window ceilings, door corners, and some other minute areas. These brushes are handy tools to cover some fine areas at your home while painting tools.

Paint Bucket

When you are using small paint brushes, you will also need some small paint buckets in which you can pour the paint solution and carry it along to paint different areas.

Paint Roller will Allow Maximum Convenience

Paint rollers have been preferred much these days because of their fine quality foams which absorb the paint well and offer smoothest finish on your walls. A standard sized 7 inch foam roller will serve the purpose quite efficiently. Just wet the foam before dipping it into the paint so that its foam can absorb paint well. Make sure that if it has extra moisture, you wipe it out with a tissue paper and then dip it in paint.

Paint Tray

Get a 7 to 9-inch metal paint tray for your home painting task. Metal paint trays are much convenient and durable as well and will provide maximum flexibility in delivering your painting task with perfection.

Extension Poles to Reach Every Corner

You can choose to buy extension poles online in UAE from Towertools. An extension pole makes it much easier for you to cover different areas with absolute convenience and the flexibility which it offers in a painting task is unmatched from any other tool. You can cover areas with a paint roller within your reach and an extension pole will allow you to reach all different and remote areas of your walls.

Drop sheets Will Keep Your Task Clean

Using drop sheets is an indispensable part of any painting task. You can select a wide range of drop sheets from Towertools which are available in different materials. Drop sheet is an effective way to keep your painting task clean and manageable.

Ladder will Keep Everything Within Reach

Painting task requires smooth and perfect finish on walls. To ensure fine texture on your walls, you really need to deliver your panting task in appropriate position. A ladder will allow you o get immense flexibility in using your paint roller along with extension pole. Try buying a light-weight ladder that is portable.

Polythene Sheets will Keep Your Decors Protected

If you want to keep your expensive furniture and other decors protected from paint spills, you will need a polythene sheet to cover them well. You can chose to buy thin polythene sheets which are easy-to-use and also light-weighted.


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