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Trump Denies Claim He Stormed Off Piers Morgan Interview With Audio Recording

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Donald Trump denied the claim that he “stormed off” the Piers Morgan interview on Monday. This comes after a 30-second trailer from Morgan’s show showed Trump leaving the set before he had finished the interview. The new audio makes it clear that Trump did not storm off the set. While Morgan did appear to be “deceptive” during the interview, he was not the one to storm off.

Donald Trump appeared in an interview with Piers Morgan for his talk show

Trump Denies Claim He Stormed Off Piers Morgan Interview With Audio Recordi

Piers Morgan, the host of “The Morgan Report,” grilled Trump during an interview in December. The interview was taped, but the host did not finish. After Trump began to rattle off a list of attacks, Morgan reportedly called him into his office for clarification. But, he also revealed that there were several backstage negotiations before the interview took place. “Trump was willing to do it,” he wrote.

The audio from the interview was release after the president made a series of sarcastic comments. At one point, Trump said, “Please turn off the camera.” After the president allegedly asked Morgan if he had ever hit a hole in one, Morgan responded, “I’ve never heard that,” according to the audio. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Trump said.

Audio Clip

The audio clip of the exchange was later release by Trump’s team. It is unclear what caused the conflict, but it seems that the President grew hostile during the interview. Morgan’s show, “The Piers Morgan Report,” was suspended following the Meghan Markle controversy. This is the first time a controversial TV host has returned to British television after leaving his talk show, Good Morning Britain.

After the controversial video clip went viral, news of the interview was quickly release. While many people thought that the clip was edit, the former president told Morgan that he did not storm out of the interview. Morgan’s “The Piers Morgan Report” was broadcast on Fox Nation, which is the streaming service of Fox News. In addition to the news, the interview was edit by Piers Morgan.

The video trailer of the interview, posted by Piers Morgan, shows a remark that appears to be a slanderous attack on Morgan’s integrity. However, the Trump camp disputes this assertion. The communications camp claims the comment was made earlier in the interview. Nevertheless, the remark that was construed as calling Morgan dishonest actually happened later in the interview, as Morgan repeatedly demanded one more question. Afterwards, the interview continued longer than originally planned, according to Morgan’s column.

Trump walked out of the interview after Morgan asked him tough questions about voter fraud

A new teaser clip from the upcoming Piers Morgan interview suggests that President Donald Trump walked out after he was grilled about voter fraud by the media. In the teaser, Morgan is asking Trump for “hard evidence,” but Trump doesn’t answer. In a clip that ends with Trump saying, “Turn off the camera,” Morgan speaks over the president. The full interview will be broadcast on TalkTV at 8pm local time on Monday.

In the audio recording, Piers acknowledged that the interview was “sharp,” but still criticized the President-elect. He also praised the interview itself, but noted that “the president-elect was no match for Morgan.” Trump isn’t the only politician who has been criticized by the media, and Piers Morgan once was a close friend of Donald Trump.

Morgan’s comments

It wasn’t clear if the interview was fabricated, or whether it was edited before it was broadcast. But NBC was able to get audio of Trump’s aide saying that the interview went on for an hour when it was supposed to last 20 minutes. Morgan’s comments on the presidential candidate’s character are equally shocking. Clearly, NBC is not a good choice for a political show to interview a presidential candidate.

The president’s aides did not explain why he left the interview after Morgan asked him tough questions about voter-fraud. He was upset that the interview had exceeded its 20-minute limit. He then ordered the production to turn off the camera, and walked out. The NY Post later reported that Morgan was attacked by the President after he reportedly said he had exceeded his time limit.

Trump released an audio recording to prove he didn’t storm off the set

The former president released an audio recording to clear the air following accusations that he stormed off the set of his recent interview with Piers Morgan. The video clip that surfaced online falsely suggested that the president stormed off set and told Piers Morgan to turn off the camera. But the audio released by Trump’s spokesman proves otherwise.


NBC News and NewsCorp declined to comment on Trump’s remarks, and NBC News’ Rachel Maddow, Rep. Liz Cheney, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy also discussed whether or not Mr. Trump should step down, and they were joined by Rep. Liz Cheney. Trump, on the other hand, said that the audio recording would not have any impact on the election.

The audio recording released by Trump’s communications director proves that he didn’t storm off Piers’s show. Earlier, the interview between Trump and Piers Morgan was advertised as highly heated, but there were no signs of this on the video. The interview ended amicably, and the two appeared to be genuinely friendly and cordial. It also demonstrates Trump’s distrust of the media.

In response, Piers Morgan’s new channel will air the entire interview on Monday, so we’re still unsure as to how the video will turn out. However, it’s worth noting that Trump’s new audio recording was leaked by the news company News Corp. on Thursday. Despite the audio recording he’s released, Mr. Morgan’s report did contain some critical remarks about Trump. He also claimed that his remarks about Piers Morgan’s honesty were from earlier in the interview.

Trump said Morgan was “very deceptive”

A new tense exchange between President Trump and CNN host Piers Morgan has erupted on Twitter, highlighting the difference between the two men’s personalities and their respective politics. Morgan and Trump met at Mar-a-Lago in Florida last week and spent almost an hour together. In the clip, Trump asks the anchor if he was responsible for the riot planned for the Capitol in 2021 and whether he is “very deceptive” for saying that Biden won the 2020 election.

In a statement to The Wall Street Journal, Morgan apologized to Trump for making the interview so long. He told the former president he was “an hour into it.” Then, he filmed himself exiting the set, announcing to the audience, “Please turn off the camera.” During the interview, Morgan said that he wanted to ask one more question, but in the end, the anchor lied by editing the recording to make it seem like he was answering the last question. The interview was meant to last about 20 minutes, but Morgan’s crew spliced the footage to make it longer,

Which led to Trump saying he was “very deceptive.”

According to an audio clip that surfaced on social media and the New York Post, Trump said that Morgan was “very deceptive.” He also implied that Morgan had lied after agreeing to ask one final question. The clip also shows a frustrated Trump telling Morgan to “finish the interview.”

The snippet of audio has been release by the former president’s communications director. The 30-second audio clip, titled “Morgan vs. Trump”, features the president’s statement on his upcoming 2020 election. However, it’s unclear what the two men intended to say, and what exactly went down in that moment. Morgan’s team subsequently titled the segment “Morgan vs. Donald Trump” to make his message more appealing.


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