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Monday, June 17, 2024

Keep It Fun: 6 Cool Jobs To Try Out

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Do you want to step out of the office and try a career you can brag about? Not sure which jobs to lean into? We’ve got you covered. Continue reading our list below and discover 6 cool jobs to try out today!

1. White Hat Hacker

Looking for cool jobs you’ve never heard of? Consider the role of a white hat hacker then. These are people paid to intentionally hack a system.

A white hat often works for banks, security companies, or businesses hoping to improve their network. The white hat will attempt to break into their security networks and look for any weaknesses. Performing this helps the client test their security measures and make necessary adjustments.

Without white hats, companies would struggle to improve their security systems. They’ll become more vulnerable to actual hackers who intend to sabotage their business.

This is a high-paying job, but it does require a lot of technical knowledge and skills. Not every option on this list requires a degree. Becoming a white hat hacker, however, is one of the few cool jobs to go to college for.

2. Voice Acting

Did you know you can also earn a regular income with nothing but a microphone and good audio editing software? Voice acting is more in-demand than many assume. It’s not simply a career for people who want to voice characters in animation, although that is a dream job for many.

Voice acting extends to voice narrations for video ads, podcast ads, and social media ads. This work also covers eBook narration and text to speech recording.

Like some of the other jobs on this list, you don’t need a college degree to work as a voice actor. That said, the training you get from studying a course in broadcasting can be a big help. You’ll learn how to regulate your voice and how to project it right when recording.

This is also one of the jobs you can advertise on sites like Fiverr. Create a profile, post some samples, and let the clients come to you.

3. Tattoo Artist

Are you into visual arts? If you have a passion for it, why not try working as a tattoo artist? You could set up shop and turn your passion into a viable career.

Becoming a tattoo artist requires creativity, a steady hand, and a lot of technical knowledge. Keep in mind that there are many tattoo styles, different kinds of ink, and art directions to master. 

You also have to consider the medical attention required. A good artist has to learn first aid and other steps to take in case something happens to their client. You never know when someone might have a sudden allergic reaction to the ink or any other factor.

While a degree isn’t required, you can take a course to become a better tattoo artist. Don’t hesitate to look here for more information.

4. Video Game Streamer

If you’re looking for fun jobs, there’s nothing that can top playing video games for a career. You get to play games and still earn a living. 

Of course, it’s not as simple as sitting down and playing whatever comes to mind. 

First, you need to pick a platform. Most video game professionals stay on YouTube or Twitch. You’ll earn through ad revenues, paid subscribers, or donations on Patreon and Buy Me a Coffee.

A primary focus is to build your audience. The more views you get, the more subscribers you’ll gain. With more subscribers, you’ll see an increase in revenue.

You might even get sponsorship deals. This is similar to what the next cool job relies on: paid endorsement deals. We’ll tackle this more in-depth as we discuss social media influencers. 

5. Social Media Influencer

Yes, being a social media influencer is a job. It’s not as simple as posting pictures and expecting businesses to randomly pay you or give you freebies.

Being an influencer is one of the cool jobs that pay well but it also requires a lot of effort. First, you need to pick a niche. For example, you could become a fashion influencer, foodie influencer, video game enthusiast, or makeup influencer.

Got a niche? Great, the next step is to pick a platform like TikTok, Instagram, Twitch, or YouTube.

You have to build an audience large enough for you to make an impact. Gaining 10,000 followers is the starting point, but you should keep climbing. Some influencers, like Hollywood celebrities, have millions of followers and can charge sponsors higher fees.

Once you’ve built an audience, write down how much you require to endorse a business or brand. Stick with it and approach businesses. 

6. Travel Blogger/Vlogger

Working as a travel blogger/vlogger is one of the most unique jobs because you get paid to stay anywhere but home. It’s all about traveling to different districts, cities, or countries and highlighting their establishments or tourist spots.

The goal is to review the places you visit. Check out the hotels, restaurants, tourist locations, and street food. With a bigger audience, people will start relying on your blogs/vlogs whenever they make travel plans.

You’ll earn primarily through ad revenue. Some establishments might even pay you to visit their business and leave an honest review. 

Try Out These Cool Jobs Today

Now you know some cool jobs worth checking out! You don’t have to limit yourself to a traditional nine-to-five office job. Become an influencer, travel blogger, or professional video gamer!

Of course, why stop with these cool ideas?

If you’re looking for more content about travel or career, we’ve got more in store for you. Check out the rest of our blogs today and discover all the tips and lists you need!


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