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Monday, June 17, 2024

How to Find the Best Realtor to Sell Your Home

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On any given day, about half a million homes are for sale in the US. At the same time, there are over 1.5 million real estate agents. What does this mean for you, the eager homeowner ready to sell your house? One glance through the realtor ads might be enough to give you anxiety. With so many to choose from, how can you find the best realtor to guide you through the selling process?

Here’s your step-by-step guide to locating the best realtor to sell your home.

Ask for Referrals

This is the most logical place to start, especially if you know someone who recently sold their home. Reach out and ask which real estate agent they used and what it was like to work with them.

Of course, remember that the idea of a “great” realtor varies from person to person. The real estate agent, your neighbor adored could drive you crazy.

It also won’t help to hire an agent specializing in equestrian properties when trying to sell a downtown condo.

Referrals are a great place to start, but you’ll need to cross-reference those referrals with our next step.

Research the Real Estate Agent

Make sure any realtor you consider is a National Association of Realtors (NAR) member. You’ll also want to ensure they’re licensed to sell homes in your state and that their license is in good standing.

With that legwork out, browse their website and read reviews. Their site should show that they’re knowledgeable, professional, and approachable like you see here at Jordan Terrell Group

  1. Prepare a List of Questions

As you narrow down your list of candidates, create a list of questions to ask during a consultation. These might include:

  • How much experience do you have selling homes like mine?
  •  Will I work directly with you or with an assistant?
  •  What’s your commission rate?
  •  Can I speak to some of your recent clients?
  •  What do you think my home is worth?
  •  What can I do to improve my home before selling it?
  •  How do you plan to market my home?

Pay close attention to the answers, as this will give you an idea of the agent’s experience and communication style.

  1. Go With Your Gut

With all this knowledge at your disposal, the only thing left to do is decide.

Ultimately, choosing the best realtor is like going on a date. You need to trust and feel comfortable with the person before you place the fate of your home in their hands.

If the chemistry isn’t there or something seems “off,” trust your gut and keep looking. There are plenty of real estate agents to choose from, so keep looking until you find one that you click with.

Who’s the Best Realtor in Your Area?

If you’ve been overwhelmed at choosing a real estate agent, we hope this article has laid your worries to rest. Follow the steps listed above, and you’re well on finding the best realtor to sell your home!

Selling your house is one of many topics we’re discussing today. Please keep browsing our site for more great home and business advice.


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