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Monday, June 17, 2024

How To Apply For Udyog Aadhaar For MSME Registration?

Must Read

The MSME sector was previously known as the Small Scale Industries (SSIs) sector prior to the introduction of the MSME Development Act 2006. The SSI sector’s component small and auxiliary units were defined using periodic criteria for defining such units.

Also Read: Udyam Registration

The scope of the MSME sector was broadened with the passage of the MSME Development Act of 2006. Instead of merely industries, as was the case with SSI, the idea of ‘enterprise’ was created, which encompassed both manufacturing and service businesses.

Following the passage of the MSME Development Act of 2006, MSMEs were required to fill out two forms in order to register. Entrepreneurs Memorandum I (EM I) and Entrepreneurs Memorandum II (EM II) were among them (EM II). Whereas EM I was a discretionary filing for prospective or upcoming businesses, EM II was a mandatory filing for existing businesses. Additionally, EM II had to be filed with the District Industries Centre (DIC) in the respective state or union territory as soon as the project began.

The Ministry of MSME established the Udyog Aadhaar registration to enhance ease of doing business and streamline the process of MSME registration.

What is Aadhaar Udyog Registration?

Udyog Aadhaar Registration is essentially a one-page online MSME registration. MSMEs can register for Udyog Aadhaar by self-declaring in the Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM), and no extra documentation is required. MSMEs are also exempt from paying any fees and are allowed to file multiple Udyog Aadhaar with the same Aadhaar number.

The Steps Involved In Online Udyog Aadhaar Registration

  1. To register for an MSME, go to the Government Portal.

The Ministry of MSME launched an online site to enhance the ease of doing business. To register as an MSME under Udyog Aadhaar, you must first link to the portal.

  1. Entering Aadhaar Numbers for Individuals

The individual must just input the twelve-digit Aadhaar Number assigned to him or her in the website’s required area.

As previously stated, in the case of a partnership firm, the controlling partner must furnish his Aadhaar number when applying for MSME registration.

In the event of a company, the authorized signatory who applies for MSME registration on the company’s behalf must also supply his Aadhaar number.

  1. Entrepreneur’s Full Name

In this area, the applicant whose Aadhaar Number is supplied in the space above must submit his or her name.

He or she must be careful when filling out this form, as it must exactly match the name on the Aadhaar Card given by the UIDAI.

For example, if Rajdeep Kumar Sardesai’s name appears on his Aadhaar card as this information should be included in this area.

However, if the name provided does not match the one on the Aadhaar Card, he or she would be unable to continue filling out the form.

  1. Aadhaar Verification

After you’ve entered the above information, you’ll see a button below that says “verify and generate OTP.” The applicant will be able to authenticate his or her Aadhaar and continue filling out the form by clicking this button.

It is important to remember that an OTP will be produced and sent to the applicant’s UIDAI-registered mobile phone. If the applicant’s mobile number has not yet been registered with the UIDAI, he or she must follow the directions in the Pop-Up that appears.

The applicant must fill out the OTP and complete the form after it has been generated.

  1. Filling out the Udyog Aadhaar Form with information

The following are the details that the applicant must fill out in the Udyog Aadhaar Form:

  • Aadhaar Number

As already said.

  • The owner’s name

As already said.

  • Social Classification

The applicant must select the social category to which he or she belongs. These are some of them:

  • Scheduled Tribes
  • Tribes That Have Been Scheduled
  • Other Regressive Social Groups

When necessary, the responsible body may also request proof of the applicant’s socioeconomic category.

  • Gender

The candidate must choose his or her gender here.

  • Physically challenged

The applicant must choose whether or not he or she is physically impaired.

  • The Business’s Name

The applicant must include the name of the business entity through which he or she conducts business and is recognized by his or her clients in this area.

It should also be mentioned that an applicant can have multiple businesses. Each of these businesses can apply for a distinct Udyog Aadhaar or share the same Aadhaar number.

  • PAN Number

The PAN number must be provided by the applicant. In the event of an LLP, Cooperative, Pvt Ltd, or Public Ltd Company, this is required. Furthermore, in all other sorts of organizations, this is optional.

  • Plant’s Location

If there are many plants at different locations, the applicant must indicate the location of each plant. By clicking the add plant button, he can specify all of them.

  • Official Website

The applicant must include the full postal address of his business organization in this section. The following are some of the details:

  • State
  • District
  • Pin Code 
  • Mobile Number
  • Email

Suggested Read: Udyam Registration Process


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