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Friday, June 21, 2024

How Metal Carports Are The Perfect Solution For Your Vehicle Storage Needs?

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If you are considering getting a new vehicle storage on your property, look no further than metal carport structures. Metal offers features that help retain your vehicle life for the longest duration. Whether you need storage for a sedan, SUV, or motorhome cover, you can get a custom design that protects any vehicle.

Steel carports help retain the pristine condition of your car, and you might even get additional benefits in the form of insurance premiums as you have a safe and dedicated parking space. From protecting your vehicle from intense UV rays to humidity build-up due to rain, let’s see how the carport is a valid solution to your storage problem.

Here’s How Metal Carports Are The Ideal Answer To Your Car Storage Needs

1. You Get Custom Features

Not everyone has the same needs. Metal car shed builders understand this very well. That’s why most of them offer a wide variety of products that can be tailored to your custom needs. From color options to aesthetics, you can get all you want.

2. Quality Raw Material

Oftentimes, people will buy metal carports for sale but forget to check the quality of the raw material. Now, just because you are being offered something at a low price doesn’t mean it is of bad quality. But, the builder may have cut corners to sell you at a cheap price. So, what to do?

Sale or no sale, always examine the quality of raw material before you purchase. You can read reviews and feedback on websites and social media pages to connect with people and know their views. Look for the local zoning laws to know more about structural constraints that you have to follow.

3. Overall Affordable Structures

When it comes to metal buildings, people automatically assume that they are expensive. Now, the initial cost may be a little higher than a wooden carport, but the overall cost (which includes maintenance & replacements) is low in steel carports compared to other materials.

Note: For a budget-friendly cover, look for metal carports for sale. These are generally available on Metal Builder’s website or social media. A metal car shed costs $5 to $20 per sq. ft. and ranges between $1,500 to $7,000 depending on size, location, labor cost, and design complexity.

4. Versatile

A carport does not really have to be for parking. You can repurpose it for other applications such as a shaded patio, BBQ area, family get-together, evening parties, etc. Parking aside, metal car sheds can serve a multitude of purposes. They also come in various sizes, so you can pick one that suits your needs & property’s space.

Have A Look at Some Steel Carports’ Dimension Below:

No. of VehiclesWidthLengthHeight
1 car12 ft. to 18 ft.20 ft. to 24 ft.8 ft. to 10 ft.
RV cover12 ft. to 16 ft.30 ft. to 50 ft.14 ft.+
2 cars20 ft. to 24 ft.20 ft. to 30 ft.9 ft. to 12 ft.
3 cars30 ft. to 40 ft.20 ft. to 30 ft.12 ft. to 20 ft.

These are general size ranges that cover most of the vehicles. You can customize metal car sheds and design them according to your choice. You can opt for a larger size if you want storage space for keeping garden tools or some other equipment.

5. Easy Upgrade & Modification

Yes, you can increase the size of a steel car shed post-installation. However, you must plan any future expansion with your metal dealer in advance. They’ll provide you with the removal of support walls, which can be extended by adding more panels on the roof and sides (if any).

6. Elements Protection

One of the selling points of steel car sheds is that they are pretty resilient towards natural elements. For instance, you can get engineered, approved & certified metal buildings that can withstand up to 170 mph of wind or 40+ pounds of snow load per square foot. And that’s not it.

Metal roofs are designed in corrugated panels with low friction & high pitch that doesn’t allow water to stay on the roof for longer. This reduces the chances of leakage and rusting. Isn’t that great?

7. Long Lasting

Unlike wood, metal is non-porous and does not absorb water content from air or rain. So, there is no fungus build-up within that rots or decays the panels. And no, metal does not harbor colonies of termites either. So, a steel motorhome cover retains its structural integrity for the longest period.

Other Handy Features That Might Compel You To Invest In A Steel Motorhome Cover

Did you know that a car shed on your property can increase its value up to 11% when pitched to the right buyer? Let’s see some more features that you might encourage you to invest in steel carports.

  1. Metal car sheds are the easiest to install. The basic structure will take less than a few hours and 3 to 4 labor for construction.
  2. You can buy portable metal carports for sale. Almost every element, except for the foundation, can be transported from one place to another.
  3. With little cleaning on a regular basis, little to no maintenance is needed, such as repairing, re-staining, or re-painting annually.
  4. You can add a gutter and downspout to redirect all water to a collection tank. This is a great way to recycle water and save some bucks if you live in a rainy area.
  5. You can use a garden hose, water, mild detergent, and a piece of cloth for cleaning. For removing stains or any minor rusting, use a soft bristle brush (along with primer and paint to remove rust).
  6. With quality steel structures, you get years of durability.
  7. Metal car sheds are recyclable and environmentally friendly. They can reduce your carbon footprint.

With This In Mind

Want a car shed with a roof style that matches your home or a color that gives a seamless curb to your property? Steel carports have it for you. You can determine height, width, length, colors, styles, eaves, ridges, and almost every part that can be customized. However, while buying metal carports for sale, pay extra attention to the quality and details to ensure you get the best of your bucks. Metal structures are built to last. These stylish, cost-effective, and eco-friendly buildings are the future.


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