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Monday, June 17, 2024

A quick guide for hemorrhoids

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Have you ever met someone suffering from the pain of hemorrhoids? In case you know anyone dealing with this issue then you would know how painful it can get for them. Hemorrhoids are a nightmare that none of us ever wants to witness. 

Basically, hemorrhoids are caused by swollen veins in the rectum and the anus. These cause excruciating pain whenever the person suffering from hemorrhoids has to go to the toilet. In some severe cases of hemorrhoids, the patients might suffer from bleeding in the rectum and can face pain even when they are sitting for a long while. 

Hemorrhoids also called piles in the layman language can occur due to several reasons. The main causes of this problem are:

  • Forceful bowel movements can cause the veins in the rectum to swell.
  • Spending a long time during stool passing is also a cause of the pain that one suffers in hemorrhoids.
  • This problem is very common during pregnancy due to the extra weight in the uterus.
  • Heavy weight lifting can cause strain in the pelvic region which might lead to hemorrhoids.
  • Spicy food on a regular basis can aggravate this issue.
  • It is common in obese people.
  • Consuming a low fibre diet is another major reason for this problem to occur.

While the number of people suffering from the pain of hemorrhoids is increasing due to poor eating habits and lack of exercise daily, it usually cures naturally. The need to visit a doctor arises when this problem is recurring and lasts for a long while. The sign to become alert is blood in the stool.

If a person is suffering from this problem and hasn’t been getting any relief naturally then they need to get themselves examined. Examination for external hemorrhoids is done by two methods, that being, physical examination and digital rectal examination. The internal hemorrhoids are checked by colonoscopy or anoscopy.

In the physical examination, the doctor physically views the anus area for any kind of swelling, irritation or lumps while in digital rectal examination the doctor has to insert a finger to check for any tenderness or lumps inside. These are the processes adopted for external hemorrhoids.

For internal hemorrhoids the patients need to go for more thorough testing like colonoscopy or anoscopy. In these tests, the doctors insert a tiny camera in the colon and anal canal to check for swollen veins and lumps.

Since you are aware of the examination process, let us move to the treatment aspect of hemorrhoids. This issue can be easily resolved by home remedies within a week. Anyone suffering from this problem should increase their fibre intake and water intake. By some conscious efforts in the early stages, this problem will hopefully not intensify. In case the home remedies don’t work then the person can always try for over the counter medications and creams to help soothe the swollen area which will reduce the pain. It is only in the later stages when the hemorrhoids become large will the sufferer have to go for surgery to get rid of the extremely painful issue of piles.

Usually, your regular doctor is the first person that you should visit when you are facing this problem. Depending on the intensity of your problem they would recommend whether you need to visit a colon and rectal surgeon. Gastroenterologists are commonly specialists who deal with this problem.

Hemorrhoid doctor Los Angeles is one of the many specialists who has dealt with a number of patients suffering from the pain of piles. Experts like him who give priority to their patients and who resolve to provide utmost care to them are the people you must look for when suffering from such a painful problem.

People generally feel embarrassed to talk about issues like piles. But this is something very common and you should not be hiding it. In case you are noticing some trouble in your bowel movement then maybe you should fix an appointment with the gastroenterologist and get yourself examined to avoid complicating the matters at a later stage. All good doctors aim to make their patients comfortable when it comes to issues like hemorrhoids and gastroenterologists are specifically trained in this aspect. So, there is no need to feel awkward about this issue and visit your doctor as soon as possible.


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