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Monday, June 17, 2024

How to Prepare Quantitative Aptitude for Central and State Government Exams?

Must Read

Often predicted that the quantitative aptitude section is typically the most tricky and feared section of any government exams  for central and state level. According to a recent analysis, quantitative aptitude is becoming tougher day by day for students and this becomes the major reason for many appearing students not being able to pass through cut-offs. Quantitative aptitude takes much time with a sharp mind plus it consists of lower accuracy percentages out of all the sections in the exam. Most of the appearing students complained about not clearing the quant section by one-two marks, although they managed to clear overall cutoffs.  

Lakhs of students appear for the central and government exams but they are unable to crack them because of the difficulty level of the quantitative aptitude section. Aspirants usually encounter problems in solving quant sections rather than any other one. This happens because the quant section demands continuous practice with a sharp mind. However, time management works as a cherry on top for candidates who aim to clear the quantitative aptitude section. In this blog, we have shared some tips which will give you a deep idea to clear quantitative aptitude for exams such as SBI Clerk, Bank, SSC CGL, etc.

Let’s have a look at the tips required for clearing the quantitative aptitude section:

  • Penned down concepts

This is the most constructive tip that a candidate requires to follow for holding a strong grip quant section. If you are a newbie in the competitive examination field and your basics are not cleared then it will be quite hard for you to prepare for the upcoming exams. The Quantitative section is fully based on the mathematics part and hence you are required to clear your basics and build a strong foundation for the future. To make your basics strong you need to solve all the questions from 6,7 and 8 classes and try to learn the basic theorems and identities to solve higher-level questions.

  • Learn formula and identities

The next step for scoring effectively in the quant section is to learn basic formulas and identities at your fingertips. This will surely help you to solve the question with great speed and will not consume much of your time. If you practice and learn formulas daily then you can effortlessly enhance your speed and can also solve the questions without any error. Planning to appear for the SSC CGL exam in 2021! If yes! Connect with the best institute for offering SSC CGL Coaching in Jalandhar today!

  • Practice daily for Government Exams

As we all have heard from our mentors that mathematics requires daily practice. It’s more like driving a car. If you avoid driving for a few months you will lose the grip on the handle. Similarly, if you stop practicing the maths section you will feel that the topics are slipping out of hand. Solving every question in the quant section comes with a mantra of daily practice. It will not only help you to form a stronghold on the formulas but your mind will become habitual of the same pattern of solving questions. So, for clearing SBI Clerk, SSC CGL, and other examinations you need to practice a lot for enhancing your credibility to solve questions.

  • Proper time management

Time management plays a vital role in every field. So, a candidate is required to inculcate proper time management skills in them. Without proper time management, it will be quite difficult to clear the quantitative aptitude section of any competitive examination. Usually, students were not able to clear the quant section because they fail to complete every question within the given time limit. So, for achieving great results a candidate needs to increase the speed of solving questions with proper time management. If you aim to clear the SBI Clerk examination then following this particular tip can help you work wonders. 


  • Make shortcuts

Adding one more point to the segment, candidates are required to make shortcuts of their overall preparation for any type of competitive exam. These shortcuts will not only help the candidate to solve the questions effectively but also allow them to keep a check on their performance. It will offer them the ability to solve the question without any error. If you are progressively planning to solve the quant section of the SSC CGL exam but don’t know the right procedure! If yes, then connect with the best institute offering transparent and trustworthy SSC CGL Coaching in Jalandhar.


Implementing the above-mentioned tips in your quantitative aptitude-solving procedure can majorly help you to crack Central and State Government examinations effortlessly. So, just don’t weep on your failures and make a strong outline to fight back the fear of solving the quant section. From proper time management to learning basic identities and formulas, follow every step to achieve the optimal result in your competitive examination test


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