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Monday, June 17, 2024

Here is How to prepare your Roof for the Winter Season

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Many homeowners do not know to properly prepare their roofs for the winter season. They might have some knowledge to deal with hurricanes or thunderstorms, but many often overlook the cold temperature and its damage to the roof.

Many homeowners have this in mind that their house structure can easily withstand the season’s cold or hot temperature, but this is not the case as changing temperature has an adverse effect on the overall health and durability of their roofs. Roofing companies in Boston, like Melo’s Construction, have been trying to help such owners with their roofing problems.

The roof inspectors do a thorough inspection of the roof and suggest the ways that can help to combat future roof problems. They also educate them in preparing their roof for the winter season and to withstand the harsh cold weather without much damage.

Preparing the Roof for the winters

There are 3 basic steps that help to prepare any roof for the winter season. Chances are that you may have at least one of them on your list, but it is best that you perform all three of them. Following are the 3-enlisted steps that will definitely help you to prep your roof:

1-  Clean All the Gutters Properly

The gutters help to carry the water from your roof to the ground so that it does not damage and cause roofing problems. Because of this, they often get stocked leaves and other items, which clog the pipes.

The type of materials that usually clog the gutters are twigs, leaves, occasional bugs, and random toys that may be fallen from the hands of kids, thus anything on your roof during a rainstorm will most likely make its way to the gutters and may end up there as a clogging hazard.

If this is the case, and the rain falls again, then the water may overflow from the gutters, weaken your roof’s foundation, and the resulting damage can be significant in nature. Likewise, neglected roofs turn green due to algae, mold, and mildew overgrowth, and the gutter system becomes a self-contained garden of such bacteria.

Sometimes, seeds blow upward, or birds transfer them to the roof, and they find their way to the gutter because of the wind, then roots grow and make a whole nest destroying your gutter systems. When this happens, you may have to reinstall the entire system from scratch and end up with hefty bills.

Thereby, it is important that you clean and maintains these gutters regularly to avoid such problems. There are effective products readily available in the market that stops debris from building up. Your roofing specialist will educate you about Gutter Guards to help you effectively maintain your roofing systems.

2-  Check for Existing or Previous Damage

A thorough inspection of the roof will turn up any crack or missing seal around your pipe and chimneys. Likewise, loose, missing, or damaged tiles can also be detected in the process.

By identifying these issues earlier, you will be able to get ahead of any damage repair in the interior structure of your home. Regrettably, it is not an easy task to get on top of the roof and perform a thorough inspection by yourself.

The roofing companies do not even send their trained experts on the roofs without proper safety measures, and now they have started to use drones to get a close up look. Using these drones is one of the stress-free, harmless, and most precise methods for detecting any type of roofing problems.

3-  Reinforcing the Attic

During any hurricanes, every homeowner gets special equipment to strengthen the beams in their attics to combat the extra force of a category 4 tropical storm. Likewise, when heading into winters, you do need to reinforce the attic, but in a different way.

The common damages seen in attics during winter come from leaks and condensation of ice and water. Thus, you should inspect the inside of your attic and look for any discoloration that may be on the ceiling or signs of damp insulation.

If you find any, then replace any affected materials promptly, and schedule roof repairs before winter kicks in completely. The insulation will help to prevent cold air from entering your attic or lowering the temperature in your home causing any sort of discomfort to you, and higher heating bills.

These are the 3-step procedure that will help you to prepare your roof for the upcoming winter season.

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