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Monday, June 17, 2024

How to maintain J&K cabinetry?

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Remodeling a kitchen is a high investment. You spend your hard-earned money on it. Therefore, you have to maintain it at every cost. It does not matter how costly the cabinets are. Also, they might be of the best quality. But, it is necessary to keep them in the best condition. In this case, J&K cabinetry has the best quality cabinets. They are quite easy to maintain.

In general, regular cleaning is enough. But sometimes, you need to take extra care. Also, be careful when you use water for cleaning. The heat and moisture can be harmful to the cabinets. You install them once in a decade. So, make sure that you try to maintain their quality for a long time. This post will help you with this task.

Here is the list of some tips to maintain the J&K cabinetry:

  1. Keep them dry
  2. Do the regular cleaning
  3. Use a soft cloth
  4. Wipe the spills immediately
  5. Do deep cleaning
  6. Use a mild cleaner if needed
  7. Remove the dust daily
  8. Use glass cleaner for doors
  9. Keep them dry:

In general, when there is dust, you clean the cabinets with a dry cloth. But, you may use a damp cloth for cleaning purposes. So, keep your cabinets dry after using water. Never use the water directly. Keep the cabinets dry to have a long-term experience. 

Do the regular cleaning:

It is necessary to clean your kitchen cabinets regularly. If you let the dirt and oil droplets stay on it, it will damage its wood. So, make a routine of your cleaning. It is mandatory to maintain the J&K cabinetry.

Use a soft cloth:

For basic cleaning, use a soft cloth. Also, use a lint-free cloth. In this way, you can protect them from getting tainted. In addition, use a cotton cloth for the doors. Also, you have to be gentle as the paint on the cabinets may wear off. And you can wipe the interior with any soft cloth. Make sure that you apply a clean cloth for cleaning. 

Wipe the spills immediately:

A kitchen involves a lot of heat and stain. The cabinet doors can have some tough stains on them. In that case, wipe the spills immediately. If you let them stay for long, they will not wipe away. So, clean the food spills on time. Also, for tough stains, use warm water. Just soak a cloth in warm water and squeeze it. Then, use the damp cloth to wipe the spills. 

Do deep cleaning:

Other than regular cleaning, deep cleaning is also essential. If you want to maintain the hygiene of your cabinets, clean them deeply once a month. So, take out all the items from the inside. Clean the cabinets from inside. Now let them dry, and put the things back in place. In this way, you can discard the wasted items. 

Use a mild cleaner if needed;

If your cabinets have tough stains on them, use a mild cleaner. Go to the market and get a cleaner made for kitchen cabinets. Also, make sure that you apply them with soft clothes. So, spray the cleaner on the cloth and then use it on the cabinet doors. Also, be gentle while cleaning. And protect the paint and finish of your J&K cabinetry.

Remove the dust daily:

Use a cotton cloth to remove the dust from the outside and inside the cabinets. Also, try to remove the dust daily. In this way, the cabinets will retain their beauty. 

Use a glass cleaner for doors:

If you have glass cabinet doors, apply a glass cleaner to them. You can spray it directly on the glass door. Then wipe it with firm hands. In this way, you can maintain the glass door cabinets. Also, you can use them on wooden doors. However, you have to be careful with its finish. Besides, use an ammonia-free cleaner to protect your cabinets.

Things to avoid:

  • First of all, do not let the water stay on cabinets. Moisture can damage their wooden quality.
  • Only use mild cleaners. Avoid using harsh chemicals for cleaning spills. 
  • Also, never apply the cleaner directly to the cabinet surface.
  • Never use a sponge or a harsh cloth to wipe the cabinet doors. Also, avoid using steel wool on them.
  • Avoid handing damp or oily kitchen towels on the cabinet doors.
  • Try to protect your kitchen cabinets from direct heat and moisture.
  • Do not use a printed newspaper to clean the surface. It may leave prints or ink on them. 
  • Avoid using harsh or powdered detergents. They can damage the finish of the cabinet doors. 


Every kitchen needs care and maintenance. When you spend a good amount of money on its remodeling, be more careful. Besides, J&K cabinetry is easy to clean and maintain. However, there are some dos and don’ts regarding its cleaning. Regular cleaning, dusting, and wiping spills are essential. But, make sure that you do not use harsh chemicals to clean them. Protect your cabinets from the outside and the inside.


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