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Monday, June 17, 2024

How to Fix the Common Sound Problems on MacBook

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Apart from listening to music and watching movies, sound plays an important role in a variety of work applications. Furthermore, if you’re using an outdated operating system, you’re more likely to run into such problems and need computer repair services.

Mac sound problems may occur for a variety of causes, some of which are unknown and cause significant annoyance and concern. Many issues exist, such as sound being lost after an OS update, the sound being heard with cracklings or no sound at all.

Despite the various sound issues and services of MacBook repair in Singapore, you can easily diagnose and resolve them using the available tips and tricks.

Tips to Fix MacBook Common Sound Problems

No Sound? Examine Sound Settings

If there is a “no sound” problem on any device, be it a MacBook or any Android or Windows laptop, the first move is to examine the sound preferences and settings.

If you’re using a MacBook, go to System Preferences and select Sound. Then open the Output tab and examine where your sound is headed towards. The list of devices that can be used for sound output can be found here. If something besides internal speakers is chosen, reroute the audio to internal speakers.

Sound problems may often be overcome by selecting a different output option and then switching to the original. If none of these solutions works, create a backup using Time Machine, reinstall macOS, and try again.

Restarting MacBook Can Fix Several Hassles

If you’ve tried everything else and still can’t get your sound to work, it’s definitely worth a chance to restart your Mac. Although it may seem like taking a chance with your device, turning it on and off sometimes is the thing you need to do.

Many problems, such as sound issues, stuttering audio, or crackling voices, can be resolved by restarting your MacBook.

Reset Killing Core Audio

If your MacBook is still running Mavericks, it’s time to upgrade to a newer version.

Resetting Core Audio, which is responsible for macOS audio processing, is another common workaround for Mac or MacBook volume issues.

Simply open the “Terminal” and type “sudo killall coreaudiod” to create a terminal command. To authorize the instruction, insert your login credentials. The coreaudiod procedure will be terminated and can restart on its own. After that, listen to some music or listen to play some audio to see if the issues have been resolved.

However, using this command can cause several other tasks to be interrupted, such as Facetime, Skype voice recording, listening to audios, and so on.

Change Output While Linking HDMI Devices

When you attach an external TV or Monitor to your laptop via HDMI, noise can still flow from the laptop speakers. This, however, is a simple problem to solve. Select System Preferences, then click the output tab under Sound.

If your HDMI system isn’t showing up in the list but the audio is still working, try disconnecting and reconnecting the device. Your MacBook must remember your preferred system sound output settings.

Also, examine the HDMI cable for any poor or broken points, as well as a cracked wire end. Even a minor fault can trigger issues.

Reboot Sound Controller

The tasks that are currently running on your device are shown in Activity Monitor. This can be used to keep track of your Mac’s performance and use. On a Mac, you will find Activity Monitor using Spotlight or Finder.

You should go to Activity Monitor to handle and regulate audio. Find and click on coreaudiod. To resolve the problem and address the Mac sound error, click Quit.

Microphone Hassles? Get Back to Sound Settings

It’s just as easy to switch your input device as it is to switch your output device. If you’re having trouble finding a microphone assessment tool, or if your Mac is using the wrong microphone, go to System Preferences and select the Input tab. Your device will use whatever gadget is chosen here as a microphone.

If you have a USB microphone attached, you must choose it to use rather than the internal microphone.


With configurations restored in PRAM/NVRAM, your Mac’s sound can be affected. It is a small amount of Mac memory to store specific preferences. Relevant and specific preferences are stored in a limited amount of Mac memory. You must reset PRAM/NVRAM to ensure that the volume on your Mac works properly.

Use shortcut keys like Command, R, Option, P, switch off and on the computer, and click the combination keys when resetting.

Wrapping Up

Finally, here are the most popular tips and tricks for resolving a variety of Mac sound issues. Aside from that, you can use Mac Cleaner to keep an eye on the device’s efficiency and production. If none of these methods works to resolve your Mac audio issues, you can also go to the Apple Store in Singapore for expert assistance. For any other queries, do let us know in the comments section below. Thanks for reading!!


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