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Monday, June 17, 2024

   Tips For Choosing the Perfect Civil Wedding Attire

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Getting married at the town hall does not necessarily mean opting for a less sophisticated

Between the understated elegance of a simple wedding dress and the charm of a well-cut suit, your civil wedding promises to be just as memorable and stylish as any big ceremony. Dive into Anvisha guides to find the outfit that will enhance this decisive stage of your union.

The civil wedding, although it deviates from extravagant festivities, is nonetheless a pivotal moment in the life of a couple. Many people think that a simple visit to the town hall does not require much preparation in terms of outfit.

Think again! This is the opportunity to show yourself in your best light, to honor this oath of commitment, while remaining true to your style and personality. Who said a town hall dress has to be bland?

And why couldn’t a suit reflect the elegance and personality of the wearer? If you’re ready to break with preconceived ideas and discover how to shine during your civil ceremony, you’ve come to the right place.

Embark with us on a journey to the heart of bridal fashion adapted to civil weddings and find the outfit that will make you the star of the town hall!

Dress well for a civil wedding

Getting married at the town hall is not synonymous with carelessness in clothing. On the contrary, the civil ceremony, although more intimate and refined, is just as significant as any other ceremony. She therefore deserves an outfit worthy of the event!

But how do you find the right balance between too simple and too extravagant? First, it is essential to remember that civil marriage is often an intimate ceremony, in the presence of loved ones.

The choice of outfit must therefore reflect this spirit of proximity and authenticity. A simple but elegant wedding dress, perhaps even a short or mid-length dress, is often favored by brides. On the groom’s side, there is also a variety of choices. A well-tailored traditional or slightly casual suit, a loose double-breasted suit, or even the essential linen suit, it’s up to you.

Remember, the key is to stay true to yourself while considering the solemn nature of the occasion. Think about accessories to refine your look: a pretty pair of shoes, delicate jewelry, or even a floral touch to enhance your outfit.

Whether you’re looking to be original or want to stay traditional, remember that the most important thing is to feel good about yourself. After all, it’s your big day, and every detail counts to make this moment unforgettable!

Wedding dresses: Stand out from the crowd in style

The civil wedding, although often more discreet than grandiose religious ceremonies, is no less an opportunity to shine and assert your style.

Wedding dresses for this occasion have evolved to include a huge range of styles, moving away from traditional norms. Here is a range of trends currently dominating civil marriages:

Short dresses

Practical and elegant, these dresses offer unparalleled ease, perfect for an intimate ceremony. Worn with high heels, they give a touch of sophistication.

Bohemian dresses

Fluid and decorated with lace and embroidery, they evoke a free spirit, ideal for a spring or summer wedding.

Original dresses

For those who want to stand out from the crowd, opt for unexpected patterns, asymmetrical cuts, or even bold pops of color.

Midi dresses

Between the short dress and the long dress, the midi dress, which generally reaches the ankle, is a chic compromise that is attracting more and more brides. It recalls the elegant outfits of the 50s and 60s.

Minimalist dresses

In the “less is more” trend, these dresses favor pure lines and quality fabrics. No frills, just clean beauty.

Colorful dresses

Who said the bride has to wear white? Shades like powder pink, pastel blue or even gold are making a notable entrance into civil weddings. For the most daring, red or black can be stunning choices.

Vintage dresses

For a retro touch, some brides opt for dresses from past eras, whether they are true vintage pieces or new dresses inspired by trends of yesteryear.

Whatever your style, the key is to choose a dress that you feel like yourself in. Civil marriage is an opportunity to celebrate your union in a way that truly reflects who you are, so do it with panache!

The perfect costume for a town hall ceremony

While the bride often turns heads with her dress, the groom also has to live up to the occasion. For a town hall ceremony, the costume must reflect both the solemnity of the engagement and the personality of the groom.

Choosing the right suit for the special day of your life is no easy task and it’s time to get started.

Three-piece suit

This is the timeless classic. Made up of a jacket, a vest, and pants, this type of suit exudes undeniable elegance and seriousness. It can be worn with a classic tie or a bow tie, depending on preference.

Casual suit

For a civil wedding, some prefer to abandon the jacket for a well-cut shirt and nice pants. This look is both modern and relaxed, perfect for brides and grooms who want to combine comfort and elegance.

Choice of accessories

Details make the difference! Cufflinks add a refined touch, while the tie or bow tie can be chosen to match the wedding theme or colors. Also think about the clutch, the belt, and the shoes, which must be in harmony with the whole.

Neutral or bold tones

While neutral colors like navy blue, gray, and black dominate, some brides and grooms opt for bolder tones like pink, forest green, or even discreet patterns.

Bespoke suits

For those who can, opting for a bespoke suit not only ensures a perfect fit but also the ability to personalize every detail, from buttons to lining.

Texture and fabric

Depending on the season, consider choosing a suitable fabric. Linen, for example, is ideal for a summer wedding, while wool will be more appropriate for fall or winter weddings.

Ultimately, the most important thing is that the groom feels comfortable and confident in his suit. After all, it’s his big day too!

Our advice for harmonizing the couple’s outfits

When it comes to celebrating a civil wedding, the focus is often on the bride’s dress or the groom’s suit. However, the importance of harmony between the two outfits should not be overlooked.

After all, marriage is a union, a dance between two souls, and this should be reflected visually. Subtle coordination, without being too matching, can bring a touch of elegance and complicity.

In this context, we offer you some key tips to ensure that, on the big day, you and your other half are not only radiant individually, but also beautifully complementary.

The harmony of accessories

Jewelry, shoes, and other accessories can be key elements to tie your looks together.

Symmetry in details

If the bride has a specific pattern or detail in her dress, the groom could incorporate a similar element, for example through a pocket square or tie.

Consider the location

The town hall may have a specific decor or color palette. Make sure your outfits don’t clash with the surroundings.

Avoid overload

Excess can sometimes ruin harmony. Aim for simplicity and complementarity rather than overload.


Discuss your outfit choices together. This avoids last-minute surprises and guarantees harmony on the big day.

Test before the big day

Test your outfits together. This will give you a clear idea of ​​how they fit together and give you time to make adjustments if necessary.


When it comes to celebrating your union at City Hall, remember that a civil wedding, although less conventional, is just as meaningful and memorable as any large ceremony.

So why not inject that same meaning into your outfits? From the bohemian dress to the casual suit, including finely chosen accessories, every detail counts. After all, they say the devil is in the details, but maybe that’s also where the magic lies.

So, put on your outfit, put on that smile, and walk with confidence towards this new adventure. Who knows? Maybe your outfit choices will become the new wedding trend!


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