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Sunday, May 19, 2024

7 Tips To Keep Your Lazy Dog Active

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A lazy dog is hardly interested in an exercise session often because it interrupts their daytime nap or eating spree. However, if you habituate them into working out at certain hours of the day, they may get excited about it since they know what is coming. 

The most pleasant sight for pet parents is when their furry friend jumps in joy when they get home after a long day. Playful dogs are a treat to the eye, and they keep your spirits up during stressful hours. However, many dog owners are unable to train their dogs outdoors in the present times. But being indoors does not mean that your dog has to lie idle and put on extra body weight. With suitable indoor activities, you can keep your dog busy. Here are seven suggestions to keep your dog physically fit within your home. 

1. Create A Routine For Your Dog

Try to schedule your pup’s walks and play sessions around the same time daily. Within a month, your dog will learn the routine and even persuade you to start the activities at the scheduled time.  

For best results, pick a time that doesn’t harm the resting cycle of your pup. If your dog prefers to sleep till late in the morning, consider having your first walk after breakfast. Similarly, you can train your dog in the evening if they like to sleep through the afternoon. For dogs going early to bed, wrap up their playtime by early evening.  

2. Let Them Play With Toys

Like human kids, fur babies often become agitated, especially when they move into a new home. While they can go restless in captivity in some instances, lack of playful activities can also turn them gloomy and inactive.       

The quickest way to make lazy dogs comfortable and lively in a confined space is to let them play with toys. Eye-catchy summer dog toys such as balls, tugs, colorful rubber figures, and Nylabone are excellent tools to keep them active at home. What’s even better with letting them have toys is that you can work at home with peace without your pups jumping over your laptop or documents.

Canines are notoriously aggressive if they get something chewable. The popular Kong toys come with rubber material and will be a nice pass time for your puppies.  

3. Arrange Playdates

Like human beings, dogs also take inspiration from their kins. So although your Greyhounds find it hard to walk up to the gate, a visit from your neighbor’s Pit Bull may just be the thing required to excite them. Moreover, besides making them physically active, the proximity of other dogs can make your pups happier. 

Before you let other dogs play with your pup, ensure that they are appropriately vaccinated and are not suffering from contagious diseases like Canine distemper, Canine influenza, Canine parvovirus, and external parasites. It is also essential to know whether the other dog is unusually aggressive. Schedule the dog meet-ups at an hour that does not harm your dog’s natural sleep cycle.    

4. Play Tug Of War Indoors

Playing tug of war indoors is a great way to engage your dogs in physical activities without having to take them out. It is an excellent way to get your dog physical and mental exercise. A game of tug of war doesn’t require a lot of space and can be played in your dining room. 

Many dog parents believe that playing tug of war with dogs makes them aggressive. However, according to expert dog trainers, the game makes your lazy dog more competitive, and the game will be even more fun for them if you let them win. 

Reports suggest that pups who play tug with the owners are likely to be more confident, obedient, and well-behaved. When you play tug with your dog, make sure the dog does not come too close to you while pulling the rope with its teeth. 

5. Play Hide And Seek 

If you have time and there is nothing else to let your dogs do, playing a game of Hide and Seek can be an exciting and challenging activity for the canine. Most puppies get a lot of fun and labor out of this simple game, which is equally entertaining for dog owners. 

When you play Hide and Seek, ask someone else to hold the lazy dog back while you go and take cover. Do not go too far away or hide in such a manner that your pup fails to find you and becomes disinterested in the game. As your dogs get to understand the game better with time, make it harder for them to find you.         

6. Keep The Exercise Sessions Short

Lazy dogs are not always sluggish. They get energy in bursts, which must be utilized to make them active. If your lazy pup tires out in 20 minutes, try and complete a series of activities like running, walking, jumping, or fetching toys in this brief period.

Younger pups who are yet to become physically mature often like to exercise in short sessions between their naps. Some dogs are usually more agile just before their lunch or dinner, which may be a window for you to train them.  Older dogs having health issues may have limited opportunities to become physically active. It is better to contact a vet to learn how to train a dog with underlying illnesses.    

7. Train Your Pup To Chase Bubbles 

If you want to make your lazy dog move without making yourself busy, try sending some bubbles in the air. Making your dog chase bubbles can be a fun game and keep your lazy dog active and entertained. 

With the rising popularity of the bubble-chasing dog game, there are several bubble-producing toys on the market that you can purchase. Just make sure that the bubbles are non-toxic and safe for home use.  

Final Words

The pandemic-induced restrictions have forced us to look after our fitness at home, and it should not be any different for dogs. Although newly bought dogs, puppies, and injured dogs can take more time than usual to get going with the training, it will undoubtedly be worth the effort for you as well as your pup.    


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