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Monday, June 17, 2024

20 recipe ideas to lower cholesterol

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Salmon marmitako
The tuna pot is a dish based on Thunnus alalunga , whose origin is found in Asturian, Cantabrian and Basque fishermen. It is a tuna stew with potatoes, onion, pepper and tomato, mainly. In some places it is served hot in a clay pot.

In this case we are going to substitute the tuna or bonito for the salmon. A fish does not have to be cooked only on the grill or steamed to be healthy . In this case we will eat it stewed and it will be excellent. It is also a great dish for cold days.
Excellent recommended recipe both to lower high cholesterol and to be a contribution of proteins and vitamins. This recipe is quite simple and it will not cost you to make it at home. The result is great.

You can add mushrooms or mushrooms since, together with the nuts, they provide a lot of healthy fiber . In addition, the pomegranate provides antioxidants and makes this dish, in addition to being easy to prepare, very healthy.
Excellent recipe for quick and easy preparation , ideal to accompany some vegetables. If you are looking for recipes to lower cholesterol, this is one of them.
This delicious pudding makes the perfect dessert with lots of high-quality nutrients. It is perfect if you want to lower bad cholesterol. Also, you can substitute honey for sweeteners.

Chickpea salad with tomato and tuna belly
Great recipe for monkfish roasted in the oven with vegetables and potato garnish. It is a perfect dish for people with high cholesterol, but also for athletes. Contains very little fat.
Another recipe to lower cholesterol that is as easy to make as it is delicious. It is also recommended for people suffering from constipation. The recipe also contains a wide variety of ingredients that make it a very nutritious dish providing a little of everything and healthy fats.
It is a delicious and very healthy dish for everyone, especially for people who suffer from cholesterol or even anemia. The recipe has a moderate caloric intake. Enjoy all the antioxidants, minerals, fiber and vitamins that this recipe offers.


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