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Yoga For Mental Health: How to improve it Through Yoga?

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What’s Yoga?

Yoga is the art and science of finding peace in your body, mind, or soul. Yoga is an ancient practice and art that has been passed down through the ages. Yoga’s science and art have been refined over time and offer many benefits.

The benefits of yoga can be felt not only on the outside but also inside. Yoga is well-known for its ability to heal all types of health issues and diseases. You can experience the 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh to reap the benefits of this ancient art.

What’s Mental Health?

Mental health is a well-known problem that is very common in our modern world. Multiple studies have found that nearly three out of every three people worldwide have suffered from mental illness. Mental health is hard to combat because it is so difficult to recognize and people tend to ignore it.

It is clear that mental health problems are very common nowadays. However, they can also be very detrimental to your health. Negative thoughts, anxiety, and depression are all common mental health problems. For a high quality of life, it is important to improve and cure mental health.

Does yoga have the potential to improve mental health?

More people are looking for ways to cure mental health problems. Although it can be treated with therapy, it is not often recommended as people are too expensive.

Numerous studies have proven that certain yoga asanas can help with mental problems. Many yoga poses can be used to treat anxiety, stress, and other negative thoughts. Yoga can help with mental health problems.

How to improve your mental health by practicing yoga?

The many health benefits that yoga has to offer are numerous, but the positive effects it has on your mental health are just as important. Because there are few types of research and exercise methods that address mental health issues. This article will discuss how yoga can help with mental health issues.

You can do many yoga asanas to improve your mental health

Uttanasana -Forward Bent Pose

  • Uttanasana, a pose that benefits the internal body, is very beneficial. This pose is especially beneficial for relaxation and the mind. This pose can be done in the following manner:
  • You must first stand straight up.
  • You must then join your feet and legs by holding them together.
  • Slowly bring your body to your feet.
  • You will gradually be able to bend your body fully with more practice.

There are many benefits to Uttanasana. It releases energy which in turn reduces stress. The asana can also increase flexibility and decrease negative thoughts. This is one of the best asanas to improve mental health.

Balasana, or the Baby Pose:

Because one performs the same as a baby, this yoga pose is known as the baby pose. This asana is easy to do and has amazing effects on your body.

These steps will help you perform this asana:

  • You must first sit down on the yoga mat.
  • You should ensure that your knees and legs are aligned.
  • Next, bend your knees and sit down.
  • After that, bend your upper body towards the ground by crossing your knees.
  • For a while, hold the pose.

Balasana is a great way to stretch your hips, lower back, and shoulders. This relieves stress. This asana also improves the functioning and efficiency of the circulatory system.

This will help the mind and body to feel calm. Balasana, or the baby pose, is an effective way to overcome anxiety and depression.

Pranayama or the breathing exercise:

Pranayama, one of the most well-known and popular yoga asanas, is the Pranayama. Even for those who do not practice yoga regularly, this asana is often used.

You can practice this asana as follows:

  • You will first need to lie down on your back, cross-legged, on the ground or yoga mat.
  • Make sure your back is straight.
  • You will need to exhale through your left nostril while inhaling from your left.
  • Then inhale through your right nostril, and then exhale through your left.
  • Keep going for a few more rounds.

You will notice a reduction in negative thoughts and depressing thoughts when you practice this yoga asana regularly. Also, you can improve your quality of life by being positive and improving your mental health.

You can learn all the basics of yoga breathing techniques in the 100 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.

Pranayama can also be used to treat anxiety attacks and mental breakdowns. Because during such times, the mind and body are in turmoil and pranayama helps to calm the mind as well as settle the heart. Pranayama, a yoga asana that can help with mental health issues, is one of the most effective.

Also known as the Corpse Pose ( Shavasana):

  • Shavasana, also known as the corpse position, is one of the most basic yoga poses. This asana can be described as calming the body. It requires you to stop breathing and remain still like a corpse.
  • For the best health, this asana can be done regularly to reap its many benefits.

These steps will help you perform Shavasana (or the corpse pose):

  • Place your feet on the ground or on a yoga mat.
  • You can now stretch your legs and hand apart.
  • Asanas are meant to be relaxed.
  • You should think of happy thoughts while performing this asana.
  • Next, breathe normally for a few seconds, and then hold your breath.
  • Continue this exercise for a while, then get up and stand.

This asana will instantly make you feel happier and more relaxed than before. This is because the asana reduces stress and oxygen flow for a time. This helps calm your mind and encourages you to focus on the positive and ignore the negative thoughts.

Savasana is known to improve mental well-being, such as patience, concentration, and respiratory problems. You will also experience fewer anxiety attacks under stress. This asana ensures that your mental health is maintained over time.

All the above-mentioned poses and more can be experienced at the 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. As you can see, yoga poses and asanas are good for improving mental health. Yoga is not just an exercise, but a way to live.

Related Blog: Top Yoga Asanas for Normal Delivery

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