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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Residential Duct Cleaning Helps with More Than Just Air Quality

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Residential Duct Cleaning: As a homeowner, you know it takes a lot of work to keep a house in excellent condition. So, you paint, mow, make repairs, and more. However, you might be living with potential risks hidden inside the ductwork without knowing it. Fortunately, regular home duct cleaning offers numerous benefits that go beyond improving the air quality inside your home.

Why Are Home Duct Cleaning Services So Important?

The hot and cold air that keeps your house at a comfortable temperature in the summer and winter flows through the ductwork. Any time the HVAC system kicks on, blowers force air out into different rooms. That means that any contaminants inside the ductwork end up in the air you breathe. Professional residential duct cleaning in Toronto not only eliminates multiple risks but also sanitizes the ducts.

Every three to six years, you should have a licensed technician perform home duct cleaning services. The technician gets rid of rodent droppings, dead insects, dust, pet hair and dander, mould, debris, and other pollutants. As a result, the quality of the air inside your home will improve dramatically. That alone is enough reason to have this service done. However, there are many other benefits.

Additional Benefits of Professional Home Duct Cleaning Services

Below are some other reasons you should stay on top of residential duct cleaning in your Toronto home.


As mentioned, it’s common for mould to grow inside of ductwork. Often, homeowners first detect a problem when they begin to notice an unpleasant smell. With a professional inspection, a technician can confirm its presence.

The bigger issue is that mould is dangerous. It can make people sick, especially those with a compromised immune system. That includes anyone with asthma, COPD, allergies, and various upper respiratory issues. Not only that, but with restricted airflow, mould thrives and flourishes.

Without services for residential duct cleaning in your Toronto home, there’s no good way to prove it exists. Sure, you might see something inside the ductwork or vents that look like mould, and again, you may notice a mould or mildew odour. Using specialized equipment, a technician eliminates the problem.

Accumulated Dust

Another benefit of professional home duct cleaning services is to prevent extra dust inside your house. If you’ve noticed more dust on your furniture than usual, there’s a good chance you need to have the ductwork and vents properly cleaned and sanitized. Accumulated dust also compromises indoor air quality and saves you valuable time doing household chores.

Rodent and Insect Problem

Seeing any activity of rodents or insects is another indicator that you need residential duct cleaning in your Toronto home. Now, if you live in the country, you expect some activity, but if it increases dramatically, there’s a reason. The issue with this is that rodents and insects carry diseases harmful to both humans and pets.

Higher Than Usual Energy Bills

Have you noticed a significant jump in your energy bill each month? Again, any obstruction inside of the ductwork or vents doesn’t allow air to flow properly. So, the HVAC system has to work twice as hard to reach and maintain the desired temperature inside your house.

With professional home duct cleaning services, you’ll save money each month. Not only that but your air conditioning and the furnace won’t work as hard. That can extend their life and prevent you from paying unnecessary repair costs.

Turn to a Trusted Source

To enjoy all these benefits and more, give us a call at City Duct Cleaning Inc. As a trusted and reliable source for residential duct cleaning in Toronto, we won’t disappoint.


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