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Monday, June 17, 2024

Tetra Fish – The Best Beginner Aquarium Fish

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Tetra fish is one of the most commonly kept freshwater fish in aquariums by aquarists. Hence, this accounts for the countless articles online about Tetra fish. But I suggest you start with this one as I have compiled only the most important information about Tetra fish!

The fish tetra belong to the family Characidae, and are schooling fish. This means that they are most comfortable and stress-free when they are in groups of 15-20. However, you can also keep a minimum of six Tetras if your aquarium is not big enough. 

Most Tetras are around 1.5 inches long, but some can also grow up to 2.5 inches long. You will also need to remember that each inch of a fish needs one gallon of water. Hence, if you plan on keeping a school of 15-20 Tetras in your fish tank, you will need at a least a 20-gallon fish tank.

Now, the reason Tetras are found so easily as pet fish is first, that they are easily available. Almost every pet fish store you visit will have them. Second, is because they are easy to take care of. 

Tetras are small, peaceful, and hardy fish that can be kept in the same tank as any other non-aggressive fish species. They do not hold any special dietary needs or water parameter requirements to stay healthy and active.

Tetras usually love open spaces where they can swim about in their schools. However, they do need their space sometimes and prefer to have a section of the fish tank that is densely populate with plants. This will allow them to find plenty of nooks where they can hide out and relax.

Finally, keep in mind that although most Tetra species require the aquarium lights to be on 12 to 14 hours a day, some Tetras such as Neon Tetras and Glowlight Tetras prefer subdued lighting. Tetra fry and Tetra eggs are also light sensitive; the light could potentially kill them. Hence, it would be best to keep the tank in darkness until the fry are a few weeks old!

Types of Tetra Fish

There are more than 150 species of Tetra fish native to freshwater streams and rivers in Central America, South America, and Africa. However, only about 47 of these 150 species are kept as pets in aquariums by aquarists. 

The Tetra fish belong to the family Characidae, and are schooling fish. This means that they are most comfortable in groups of 15-20. However, to keep them stress-free you need to keep them in a school of at least six! 

They are calm by nature, have vibrant colors, and are non-aggressive fish. They can easily adjust to slight variations in water conditions and get along with other non-aggressive fish. This makes them perfect not just for beginners but also for advanced aquarium hobbyists.

Despite the vast number of species of Tetras, the most commonly found Tetras in the market are Black Neon Tetra, Neon Tetra, Cardinal Tetra, Glowlight Tetra, Lemon Tetra, Green Neon Tetra, Head and Tail Light Tetra, and many more.

However, the most popular Tetras amongst beginner hobbyists are Red Eye, Black Skirt, Serpae, and Bloodfins. However, Neon Tetras, Glowlights, Lemon Tetras, and Black Neon Tetras are also very popular.

So, will the different types of Tetras be able to live harmoniously in the same tank? The answer is, yes! Different Tetra species can live in the same tank as long as they are given enough space in the tank to swim in their own schools separate from the other type of Tetras!

Finally, take note that because Tetras are so popular and easily available, their prices are also very reasonable. Their cost usually ranges from $3 – $5 per fish. And I think that is a small price to pay for such vibrant, colorful, and friendly fish!

Neon Tetras

Although Tetra fish are already common in the market, one of the most common Tetra fish available is Neon Tetra. This is evident even in the U.S., where more than 1.5 million Neon Tetras are imported each month! So, what makes them so attractive to aquarists?

Neon Tetras are freshwater fish of the Characidae family. They are native to blackwater and clearwater streams in the Amazon basin of South America. And it is precisely the fact that they are tropical fish, which makes them so popular amongst aquarium hobbyists. 

Neon Tetras have vibrant colors and peaceful natures. They are easy to take care of and have practically no special requirements in terms of water conditions or dietary needs. Hence, these qualities also make Neon Tetras ideal for beginner aquarium hobbyists. And we all know how special “firsts” are!

Moreover, you can keep your Neon Tetras with many other fish species because of their friendly nature. These fish species include Guppies, Mollies, Loaches, Cardinal Tetras, Corydoras Catfish, and many other non-aggressive fish!

However, one thing you will need to be cautious about is keeping your Neon Tetras stress free! As most people keep neon tetra in a small tank, you need to know, how many neon tetra to keep in a 10 gallon tank,

One of the most common sources of stress for Neon Tetras is bright lights or too much lighting. Only some Tetras including Neon Tetras prefer subdued lighting. Hence, a sufficiently planted tank is ideal for Neon Tetras. Having a section of the fish tank densely populate with live plants also has other benefits!

Although Neon Tetras are schooling fish and love to swim in groups of at least 6, but happiest when in numbers between 15 and 20, they also need their space. Hence, having a well-planted tank will allow them to hide out and relax. But remember to keep part of the fish tank unplanted as they will also need space to swim and play!

You also need a good filtration system in your tank. For that, I always go for aquarium sump filter. Aquarium sump filter as a bit expensive, but are very customizable; at the same time are the best filter for your tank.

 If you are interest in keeping a koi pond or at least having one on your property, then chances are that you want to do it properly. Having a clean environment with clear water is important for the health of both fish and plants inside the pond. As such, it is very important that there be constant filtration going on in order to keep water healthy. There are actually three different types of filters that you can use in order to get the job done right. To learn more, why not check out Absolute Koi.


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