Best Way to Customize WordPress Theme in 5 Easy Steps

Have you wondered why few websites catch your eyes? The design you put on your website can be customized using a WordPress Theme. WordPress themes are simply the theme that gives your website a new look and can be eye-catching for the users with a colorful background, fonts, tags, and designs. With the WordPress Customization service, you can add different types of features like page layout, Widgets, Menus, and more. You must be looking to change your website theme but don’t know how you can really change it.

There are different methods to customize a WordPress Theme. Use need a little knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and you are all set to go. But don’t worry if you are not familiar with any of these languages you can still customize your WordPress by using plugins or an inbuilt customization option. But you need to keep few things in mind before changing your website theme. Make sure you have a backup for all your data and information saved because you don’t want to lose all the important information you added to your website.

The main reason to customize your website is to promote your business and of course make it look better and unique. Every big company that is using a website had made a unique WordPress Theme that stands out. Having a bad theme can make it less attractive for the user and you might start to lose customers which you don’t want to happen right. Let us try to know a few ways through which you can customize your theme.

Using a Child Theme

The child theme allows you to customize and make changes in the existing theme which is called a parent theme. For a child theme to work you need a parent theme first without a parent theme, it is impossible to create a child theme. A child theme allows you to access all the features and you can customize without affecting the original theme so you can decide which changes suit the best for your website. A Child Theme includes a style.css file through which you can make all the necessary changes you want to make to your WordPress Theme without changing the parent theme. But for this, you need to know little coding without coding you can’t create a child theme.

Customizing Through WordPress Customizer

This is an inbuilt WordPress customization technique that allows you to make simple but effective changes to your websites. You can add Headers, change the logo, add titles, widgets, color and so much more. To access this feature you have to navigate through and click on the Appearance option from there you can choose the customization options that you want to add to your WordPress theme. It will allow you to add a navigation menu which will make it a lot easy for your website to navigate through it. For changing the Logo, Website icon, or if you want to add a title for your website you can simply go to your site identity panel and can choose everything from there.

This is the best and easy way to customize your WordPress Theme if you want to make few changes to your website and the best part is you don’t need to know any coding for this as it is an inbuilt customization option but the one major drawback of this feature is you are limited with your customization.

Using the Theme Editor

You can go to the Appearance tab and choose Theme Editor a window will pop up where you can enter or change your CSS file. For this, you need to know to code. It is the same as making a child theme that allows you to access the style.css file. You can directly edit your theme using Editor but there are consequences if you are using a Theme Editor to change your file. For this you need to know how to use HTML can a slit mistake in your coding can result in losing all your information and you cannot bring it back, you need to be very careful with using a Theme editor in case you might be thinking of using it or you can create a backup before making a change in your main CSS file.

Customizing Using Elementor

You don’t have to use coding while changing with Elementor. It allows you to modify all the elements with your single-hand mouse clicks. Isn’t it interesting? It even lets you see all the changes you made in real-time in this way if anything goes wrong at the time of modification you can simply change it back and make changes. With Elementor you can change your Headers and Footers. It allows you to create different templates, designs, Layout, Style, and more. You can also add other elements like logos, icons, and titles. You can add a Header Template by simply going to the Elementor and click on My templates from there you can click on the Add New button and add the new header template you want for your design.

Using Plugins

Plugins are the easiest way to customize your WordPress Theme. All you need to do is download a suitable plugin and start. There are many plugins available which allow you to modify your Theme without any coding. Some premium plugins provide more features and customization for your WordPress but that may cost you money depending on the type of features available. After you download and install your plugins you can find the changes by simply going to your plugin setting. Now you can check all your added plugins one by one and see the changes. It might take sometimes but it’s the easiest way one can make changes to their WordPress Theme without any struggle.

There are other ways through which you can customize your WordPress Theme. It is very important to customize a website to make it look more unique. There is various Best WordPress Customization service available that allows you to make a change in your website. The best thing about WordPress is you can choose the type of customization you want for your website and it makes it a lot easier to be selective with your custom settings.

You have to be very careful

While making a change in your website as you might lose important data that can break your website completely which you don’t want to happen. Sometimes customizing WordPress can be easy all you need to do is just change the color, fonts, and background of your website. But if you want to make a major change you need to use coding and make a child theme which will allow you to make all the changes without having the fear of losing anything as you already have a parent theme.

Most people recommend not customizing a WordPress theme using a code as it is a lot complicated if you don’t know how to use CSS and can cause an error to your website try to customize it with other simple techniques mentioned above like an inbuilt customizer or a plugin that will help you to change your theme without much effort and is also safe.

Other things to keep in mind while customizing your theme are that it is accessible by every user whether they on mobile or desktop. As more people are using mobile to surf websites it is very important to make your website mobile-friendly. That will help you to gain more users and you will increase your SEO. If your customization is not visible by the mobile user, it can leave a bad impact on your website. Check if the layout and styles that you added are also working on mobile. if it’s not then find another way to customize it for mobile users. There is various software available where you can check whether your WordPress Theme is mobile-friendly or not.

Your customization shouldn’t affect

The website loading time as it will again lower your SEO and will leave your website with a bad reputation. You should always focus on your website response time because a website should load under 4 secs and if your customization is affecting the loading time and makes it slower try to improve it.

You need to keep your website user-friendly because everyone can visit your site from younger to older so keep in mind to make it visible for everyone. Your text should not be too small or your background contrast shouldn’t be too high or low it may affect the eyes or visually disabled people. Make it simple but catchy. Keep your theme color attractive as you know color can change the mood of a person and you might not want to disappoint someone with the color. Now you know why it is important to customize your WordPress theme and how you can use some simple methods to do so. You can start customizing your WordPress and keep experimenting with your website to make it better every day.

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