Why is it important to work smarter

Doug McCoy

Often, as we are raised, we are told to work as hard as possible to get what we want. There’s nothing wrong with this philosophy. Douglas McCoy, known as ReCreation King for recreating possibilities and opportunities, found a certain type of work ethic that suits: working smart.

What’s the difference between working hard and working smart? Let it explain by an example: A hard worker will decide to go to the library & spend 4 hours studying for an exam, period. A hard worker will tend to work on every topic until it is mastered before moving on to the next. This is not bad, as the hard worker will achieve their desired exam result (so long as they are studying correctly).

Smart workers will do their tasks, but they are most likely switching between tasks, so they don’t get bored and lose their motivation. In the end, a purposeful, smart worker will be able to achieve the same outcome as a hard worker but spend less time doing so. Decide they need to get X, Y, and Z complete. They will be at the library until they have completed all of their tasks.

Learning to work smarter, not harder, can improve your productivity and performance, saving time and increasing overall satisfaction. It can also make you a valuable asset to your generation, increasing your life security. Implementing the strategies necessary to work smarter, not harder, takes some practice and understanding the psychology.

In this article, we discuss many reasons why it’s important to work smarter, not harder, and share some strategies for how you can do so.

Why is it important to work smarter, not harder?

There are few reasons why it’s important to work smarter, not harder. Working smarter:

  • Saves energy: Working in short Blocks, for example, allows you to accomplish challenging tasks with greater energy and produce better results.
  • Increases productivity: It encourages you to streamline processes and combine tasks.
  • Increases motivation: It fosters feelings of positivity about your job that you are doing, colleagues, yourself, and your surrounding environment.
  • Makes you more valuable: Companies are always looking for ways to get more accomplished with less effort, and looking for ways to work smarter, not harder, can allow you to save valuable resources for the organization.
  • Increases self-esteem: Working smarter allows you to create a better quality product with less effort, which naturally will boost your self-esteem.

Learning to work smarter, not harder, can improve your productivity and performance, saving time and increasing overall satisfaction. It can also make you a valuable asset to the people around you, Become a source of motivation, and increase your life security. Implementing the strategies necessary to work smarter, not harder, takes some practice and understanding the psychology.

The main important key towards work smarter is time management. When it comes to time management, there are a few simple rules that can help you manage time better and work smarter.

For example, when setting up a top priority task, you need to switch off your phone and ignore your social media so that you can focus on one task at a time. Then, you need to abandon any multitasking ideas, as that will slow you down and ruin your focus. Finally, set a proper deadline, and do everything in your order to meet it.

Time management doesn’t have to be complicated, but  it needs decipline, it does need to be consistent. Put a strategy in place.

  1. Make a morning routine.
  2. Respond quickly.
  3. Consider your results, not your time
  4.  To-Do list short, keep it short.
  5. Work in 90 to 120-minute blocks.
  6. Focus on one task at a time.
  7. Set short deadlines.
  8. Practice stress management techniques.
  9. Establish a closing routine.
  10. Block your calendar.
  11. Enhance your communication skills.

The Bottom Line

The key towards greater productivity is not work harder, its to work smarter. Working smarter saves precious time and energy for the things that matter—your life goals, personal growth, health, and relationships.

Use the tips above to start getting more done in less time


 Everyone loves a problem-solver. But sometimes, we spend too much time looking for answers that we can’t find ourselves. If you find yourself spending your day doing this, don’t be afraid to ask for help. The more you communicate, ask questions, and utilize your team, the quicker you’ll learn to do it yourself the next time.

How to contact us?

Douglas McCoy offers the best solution for your mind grooming. He is an Australian Business coach. To clear your mind, to make you look forward for new opportunities around you, contact us now:

Paradise Queensland Australia 4217

Meta description: Douglas McCoy  known as The ReCreation King can help you become a happy successful  person. Douglas McCoy has developed training modules and seminars for the very impetus of showing you how you can maximize your potential.

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