Which Are The Top CBSE Schools Near Me in Noida?

CBSE Schools near me

Central Board for Secondary Education or CBSE is the national board of India. There are a lot of top CBSE schools in Noida and it is separated into three levels which are primary, secondary, and senior-secondary. Most of the parents believe that every board has its pros and cons but when it comes to our country, studying in a Top CBSE Schools near me gives an undue advantage to its students.


The major entrance exams conducted in our country like IIT-JEE and AIIMS follow the NCERT syllabus. The curriculum across classes is arranged according to the parameters set by the Indian Government and is prepared in a way that it helps the students to ace in these entrance exams.

NEET question paper also contains most of the questions from the NCERT textbooks. The NCERT syllabus is the same for our whole country, giving a sense of uniformity in education. It is also framed on an age-appropriate basis which does not put a great deal of stress on the children but instead appreciates their learning and knowledge.

A large number of schools in the country are affiliated to this board. Hence, it becomes very easy for parents when they are changing cities and they need to get their children enrolled. It is extremely useful especially for parents working in government jobs where the transfers are unpredictable.

The children won’t face any challenges in their studies because of the uniformity of the syllabus. CBSE gives equal focus on English and Hindi languages. It is recognized worldwide and is now moving towards a more international approach in its marking schemes and has been reforming examination patterns 

The Top CBSE Schools near me in Noida are:


Global Indian International School or GIIS is one of the best schools in Noida. It has won the top position in the Innovators category in the distinguished Times School Survey of 2020. It offers a world class campus which provides prestigious opportunities to students helping them to achieve their highest potential and grooming them to become great leaders of our country. 

The school was established in the year 2002 with an aim to foster students into well developed citizens and provide them with a global platform through its quality education, ultra-modern facilities and infrastructure. 

The school believes that along with academic excellence, extracurriculars should also be given equal importance. The students’ wholesome development is the utmost priority here. Each and every student gets an opportunity to learn from multiple perspectives as it is an international school.

It enhances their personality. The school also gives a number of scholarships that mould the future of students and open a gateway to top-notch universities for them. The scholarships also help students who wish to study in an international school but do not have adequate financial support.


DPSN is a school that commits on creating a supportive and a safe environment that helps the students to have a wide range of experiences. The modules are designed to offer a balance between academic, athletic, artistic, and social endeavours encouraging the students to get inspired and aspire to reach high levels of their interests. The students also get a chance to get to know themselves to the best of their capabilities.

DPSN fosters the value of self-esteem and respects the individualities of others. Hence, it believes in stimulating and providing a caring atmosphere for the children and everyone alongside, acknowledging the world in which we live and our cultural heritage. With the focus and a belief in women empowerment, they think it begins when they learn it at a very early time in life.

The school’s aim is to equip children and prepare them to take their place in a world that is so competitive. And helps students become compassionate and culturally enriched people and to helps them become learners for life and be responsible adults one day.


Shiv Nadar school, going against the tide of conventional rote/textbook practices, began with a handful of students and teachers in two schools (Noida and Gurgaon). It offers carefully designed intent to be a place where wholesome development is the norm, where lifelong learning is the ultimate goal, and where, through progressive, personalized learning methods, the children are the centre of all endeavours.

Learning at their schools is never linear. Instead, students are immersed in the multidimensional and experiential learning methods. They learn through playing, performing, experimenting, and interacting. They are encouraged towards value-led pursuits so that they know to comprehend their role in the larger context of community and the world.

The school integrates an experiential pedagogy and extensive use of technology into its educational practices.  They have also placed considerable curricular emphasis on sports and arts. The faculty are challenged and empowered to engage students in activities that help them develop self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation, and the self-motivation significant to be successful human beings.

Hope this helps to answer the question, “Which are the top CBSE Schools near me?”

Choosing schools can be a very daunting task. It is important to not rush into decisions and analyse all the factors before making the choice. 

Find out more about the primary school admission form online.

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