Using Social Media for Your Job Search: Tips and Tricks

Copper Beech at Greenville

Looking for a new job?


Seeking out new career opportunities is an exciting and meaningful venture.

But, it can also be stressful

Thankfully, nowadays, there are many different ways to go about finding a home for the next chapter in your career.

And social media is one technological advancement that can actually help you big time as you prepare to make this transition. 

In this post, you’re about to learn five tricks for using social media for your job search. 

It’s obvious that you want the best gig that you can possibly get. 

In a world that’s still reeling from the pandemic, there are more “work from home” opportunities than ever. 

It’s just a matter of tracking them down, applying, and finding the best opportunities for you

Here’s how you use social media to help you accomplish this. 

1. Spruce Up Your Online Image

The very first step in this process is to spruce up your online image

Make your online accounts presentable and professional enough for potential career recruiter’s eyes.

Have you shared things on your feed that may look “questionable” to or go against the image of certain companies?

If so, then it may be worth removing some posts. 

You can also update your current profile pictures with some professional headshots. Try to make your social media presence more in line with what hiring managers might like to see.

Have you written some blog posts, designed some great graphics, or taken some photos to show how high-level the value of your work has been?

If not, consider doing so. 

There’s nothing wrong with showing off what you’re capable of. 

2. Put the Word Out in Your Social Groups

Do you belong to professional Facebook groups, have a vast network on LinkedIn (or a large number of business contacts on any social platform)? 

Then don’t be afraid to put the word out that you’re now a free agent and looking for work.

This is especially true if you specialize in a particular skill and tend to network online with other people involved in that field. 

Gary Vaynerchuk describes this stage of the process as “context building.”

“How do you get closest to who you want to be? Like, if you want to be Jimmy Fallon or Steven Spielberg, at all costs, you need to work for those people for free.” 

In this quote, Gary is making a point about how being an intern for the person you most admire can be a career changer. 

But if you want a job, how do you get the word out and connect with people you want to work with? 

Well, just like Gary says … you reach out and connect with them

And this starts with not only sharing in your online communities that you’re looking for work but also: 

  • Messaging people and applying
  • Offering to help
  • Asking them if you can do anything for them, etc. 

3. Upload a Resume to LinkedIn and Share it With Those Posting Job Opportunities

LinkedIn is a fantastic place for job opportunities. 

In fact, a lot of businesses advertise positions on LinkedIn, in addition to using sites like 

But here’s the thing. 

LinkedIn isn’t going to do you much good if you don’t use the many tools available to you on the platform. 

This means that you need to create a dynamic, beautiful, professional resume and use it to apply for jobs that match your skill set. 

You can also publish quality content on LinkedIn to show prospective employers what you’re all about. You can even publish articles and videos to really stand out.

To be honest, these things may not matter 100% of the time. Yet, on the off chance that someone does take a closer look at your profile, those types of things can make the difference between looking “normal” and standing out as an excellent option.

4. Use LinkedIn and Facebook To Connect and Network

The LinkedIn direct messaging game is getting ridiculous. 

People in positions of influence are constantly bombarded by messages from people looking for jobs, clients, to sell stuff, etc. 

If you want to win in the direct-messaging game to land that job of your dreams, it may pay to create a “zero loss” opportunity.

This is especially true for people working in creative spaces (social media, graphic design, videography, music production, animation, writing, etc.). 

In this video, Gary Vaynerchuk discusses this and other techniques for standing out when direct-messaging potential hiring managers or recruiters. 

It’s all about standing out and giving them a compelling reason to take your message seriously. 

You can’t be boring. You can’t come into the situation with your hand out, looking for something for free. 

You need to leverage yourself to create value and show recruiters and hiring managers that you’ve got the chops, experience, and talent to be the person they want on their team. 

5. Use the Hashtag Search Function To Find Job Opportunities on Twitter and LinkedIn

Hashtags can actually do a lot to help you search for a job

This is especially true on sites like LinkedIn and Twitter, where businesses often use hashtags to mark job postings so that eligible applicants can find them. 

But that’s not all. You can also use hashtags to research the company, promote your own job search, or even just in general to facilitate business networking. 

You also want to make sure that you’re using the correct hashtags. For example, you don’t want to use the #hunt hashtag when job hunting, as that’ll just plug you into the outdoor sportsmen hashtag community! 

Some great hashtags to use when looking for a job search include:

  • #Employment
  • #RemoteJob
  • #Remote
  • #JobOpening
  • #Hiring
  • #HiringNow
  • #JoinOurTeam
  • #NowHiring
  • #Recruiting
  • #Jobs
  • #JobSearch
  • #JobSearching
  • #JobSearchTips
  • #Resume
  • #HireMe


There you have it! Five tips for making social media work for you as you orchestrate your next job search. 

All that’s left now is to get out there and get to work. 

And remember ─ you got this!

[Author bio]
Adam Marshall is a freelance writer who specializes in all things apartment organization, real estate, and college advice. He currently works with Copper Beech at Greenville to help them with their online marketing.

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