How to furnish a home office in a minimalist style

There is one main rule in minimalism – less is more. Each of us prefers different working conditions. However, we all agree that a suitable job supports our efficiency and productivity. You need to think twice about what to put in your office. Minimalism sticks to soft, earthy and natural colors. Red walls with orange ornaments therefore you need to think twice if you want a minimalist home office. How to start furnishing a minimalist study?

minimalist: Table

A desk is an essential component of any workplace. You can choose a larger, smaller table , an L or U table. The choice is yours. What plays a role in minimalism is their design. Your desk should be simple and free of glass surfaces. You should stick to colors such as white, black, gray, or dark brown.

Avoid a massive, heavy table. The best thing to do is opt for a table on legs. Simple lines will not optically fill the whole room. Make sure your office is airy. Also, try not to waste your desk unnecessarily.


If you are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, choose a standing desk instead of a classic table. It is an adjustable table where you stand. Do you find it incredible to use laptop stands? You don’t pay anything to try.

minimalist: Chair

Watch out for a long, several-hour session behind the computer. This will avoid chronic back pain. If you have no choice, reward your body with at least a suitable ergonomic office chair and quality sleep . Once again, stick to the basic color scale. Also, focus on the chair on the legs, unless you choose a classic office chair. Avoid massive leather armchairs.

minimalist: Storage space

A tidy table equals a tidy mind. If you have no cupboard or chest of drawers in your work kingdom, don’t despair. It will definitely help if you have a drawer in the table. However, focus on minimalist stackers and boxes. If you win with their material and color design, one or two will serve as decoration.

Did you know that …

Icky Do we not only help ourselves, our wallet, but also the environment with a minimalist lifestyle? Did you know that in America, people usually spend up to $ 1.2 trillion to buy unnecessary things?


Be sure to get a table lamp. A simple white or black lamp should stand out on your desk. Her leg can easily be made of wood or metal. You won’t spoil anything even if it is made of unpainted wood. A light bulb can be launched from the top to pleasantly diversify your workplace. Don’t forget the central lighting, which is strong enough. The light should be cooler. Warm yellow light tends to fall asleep. And you don’t want that at work.


The decoration is the last step in making your home office cozy. However, we still stick to the minimalist rule – less is more. Simple paintings, in soft colors, are suitable. You certainly won’t spoil anything even with flowers in a vase. Finally, tap the interior with carpet. It can only be a tread or a round carpet. It is important to stick to light colors. Otherwise, the carpet may optically shrink your office.


Minimalism does not mean that you get rid of everything and you only have a table and a chair left in your office. On the contrary. It means you think carefully about what you need and what is unnecessary. And so your office doesn’t become a warehouse.

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