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Monday, June 17, 2024


Must Read

With an average consumption of 8.1 kg per household per year in the USA, the chocolate packaging market represents around 32 tones. Among the highlights, two unmissable events during the year

Christmas in mind, which alone represents 10.6% of annual sales.

Easter, with which the gap is widening but which still represents 4.4% of annual sales.

 Each occasion has its own chocolate

While nearly 70% of chocolates are sold in supermarkets, there is also a wide range of SMEs and artisans with local shops. Not to mention your own brand to which we wish you good years of success!

Alongside the thematic packaging that you will alternate over the seasons, also consider personalized chocolate packaging in which your customers will easily recognize themselves. And will spot it at first glance among your equally greedy competitors.

Perfect packaging guide for chocolate packaging

Did you know that chocolate melts at 34 degrees? A little 29 degrees and your chocolate are already starting to soften.

It is therefore quite a challenge to allow it to reach its recipient in optimal conditions, especially if you work in e-commerce.

Behind its aesthetic appearance, personalized chocolate custom packaging must offer excellent protection against

The possible invasions of insects for chocolate packaging

 To virtual free, I prefer the real and displayed price of added value.

It will generally thus include an inner layer made of aluminum or diaper paper. All covered with paper or cardboard on which you will make sure to affix a sensational design. The future customer is in any case not aware of the difficulties and manufacturing requirements that you encounter.

And since even the best packaging in the world won’t stand up to too long a shipping time for long, keep the time between order processing and delivery as short as possible. Favor Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays to send your chocolates for collection, and avoid public holidays.

The psychological effect of packaging on taste

Eating being one of the most multisensory activities there is, many studies have looked throughout history on the role played by our taste buds. It turns out that this is much less important in the perception of flavors than others of our senses.

It is the psychologist and researcher Charles Spence who is one of the pioneers of multisensory research. Through his articles, for example, he demonstrated that a strawberry mousse tasted 10 times sweeter when served in a white container rather than a black container.

Multisensory studies related to taste.

As for the coffee, it will appear twice as intense and sweeter when served in a white cup rather than in transparent glass.

Discoveries not to be overlooked in the development of your packaging, and which are more and more integrated throughout the custom packaging for small business design process. A bad choice of color, an inappropriate message and it is for sure a drop in your sales!

It is most certainly not Coca-Cola that will be able to say the opposite.

There are now many options available to you to develop your personalized chocolate packaging. Do not forget to bet above all on gluttony and on a design, innovative perhaps, but which will never erase that it is above all about chocolate.

How do I personalize my chocolate packaging?

A nice showcase for your business

A few well-chosen colors or your company logo, and you already get an original product capable of promoting your activities.

Choose carefully the material of your packaging, push the detail to the maximum by individually wrapping your chocolates in personalized packaging. Recall the values of your brand on the inside cover of your box or on a small note.

In addition to constituting a gourmet gift that will delight customers and employees, it will help to talk about your business in the best possible way!

A personalized message

A nice gift idea to decline for all events! We focus on solid colors, enhanced by a carefully crafted funny or romantic phrase.

A trend that is gaining ground in many sectors, and to which chocolates are no exception. All that remains is to be creative to offer messages in which as many people as possible can identify with

An e-commerce site

 We try the online customization modules that will allow your buyers to create the titles of their choice.

A card for a special occasion

A nice personal note on thick paper, maybe a little gilding. Feel free to design your own cards or let your customers write their own words.

In this case, perhaps bet on a simpler design so as not to overload the information.

Personalized gifts for the whole family

For Christmas or Easter, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day… For a special occasion or for no particular reason.

If life is a party, chocolate is definitely one of the best ways to bring it to life! Especially since the field of possibilities is almost infinite. Original shape, message, or photo affixed directly to the chocolate, luxurious box, or small handcrafted bag. Everything is achievable, and will contribute to the influence of your brand.

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