Best Top 10 Killer Website Design Features that Murder the Online Competition

Website Design

So, you own an ecommerce website that looks colorful and fancy. Remember, a webpage with overstated serviceable content and puffed-up with products and services isn’t productive at all. You can apply facelifts to your website design, but don’t add much that makes it fall on its face. You can add prize-winning looks to your online domain, but useless if doesn’t convert clients into profits.

Therefore, you need to keep up with different elements that give a full picture of your website. Make use of your web developing expertise or hire a website design specialist who can add useful features to your online platform. You have to kill the game; beat your rivals with an online URL arena that outperforms their online activities.

 A good website design is based on the type of business you run. This virtual showroom represents your company, so make sure you add cues, content, and visuals that reflect your brand identity. We all know that businesses vary from each other, so we can’t expect every webpage looks the same. It all depends on what sort of business you run, and what brand category you represent. As well, what ecommerce facilities you provide to your customers.

1. A Minimalistic Website Design

You have to take measures beforehand to keep your website design maintenance an easy job. So make sure you create a minimal webpage with all the necessary features intact. A basic website looks more stunning than a site page overdone with useless content, overcrowded CTAs, overelaborate banners, and as such.

Furthermore, a minimalistic-looking website has better upload and download speeds. The site maintenance doesn’t feel a burden. It has a lightweight comprehensible overall structure. Also, it helps users focus on your content, products, and services. An appealing elementary website helps you gain more organic traffic, maximize conversions, and boost sales.

2. The Newsletter Subscription pop-up

This is a must alongside having a simple website design. But make sure you don’t add more than one pop-up on your ecommerce platform. For instance, a fashion-based webpage can add a magazine subscription pop-up banner. As well, a Church web design development agency can add an e-book for the original Hebrew Bible. It will help those people gather information who are seeking the ultimate truth.  Adding a popup to your website increases its value and trustworthiness in the eyes of users.

3. Personalized UX (user experience)

In the end, all that matters is giving users the ultimate user experience on your ecommerce site. Use a responsive WordPress theme for your website design. It helps you adjust the layout according to your screen’s size and resolution.

Apply more white space to create an enhanced UX that adds credibility to your business. It helps you optimize the loading time of your website. Other things you can apply to improve user experience includes eye-catchy call-to-actions, hyperlinks, and highlight crucial information with bullet points.

4. Mobile accessibility

Nowadays, everyone owns a smartphone, so you need to optimize your website design for mobile. Billions of users use their smartphones to purchase products and services. They prefer mobile devices such as cellphones and tablets over traditional desktops and laptops. Therefore, if you wish to earn surplus profits by the end of every month, ensure your website is apt for in-hand gadgets.

5. Proactive social media promotions

Use social media to promote your website. It helps you attract your target audience more effectively than opting for email advertising. You can use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube to highlight your business. Each platform has its unique features, so use them wisely to strengthen your e-commerce business.

Moreover, it helps you sell your products and services directly to your customers. You can even engage with your potential clients directly in the post’s comment section or use inbuilt chat options. At the end of the day, using social media for online business is always productive.

6. Reel out all the latest Products upfront

You can your latest products and other exclusive features on the first page of your webpage. It’s like decorating your website design with the best showpieces. Besides, adding trendy products increases the overall value of your ecommerce domain. The biggest examples are the fashion brands who always showcase their latest clothing and other accessories on the first page. It helps them attract more potential customers and build their brand’s reliability in due course.

7. Discounts, voucher deals, freebies, and giveaways

If you wish to succeed online, never think about money. Push money on the back for a moment. Do not keep it your priority, especially if you’re serious about your ecommerce undertakings. Give your customers the utmost importance. Therefore, add discount ads, voucher deal banners, and organize giveaway events to add stardom to your website design.

8. Easily navigable Categories

You don’t want users to come and go without clicking a single “actionable” button on your website. So make sure you create navigation bars that are easy to understand. Do not overdo these searchable controls, but keep things precise, objective attainable, and in proper order. The navigation bars should include visible typography text to help users navigate easily. After all, it helps you improve your website design to a whole different level.

9. A dedicated Search bar

Why is Google the most popular search engine in the world? Of course, because it shows all the best relevant searches atop on its first page. Take note! Add a dedicated search bar that helps users find the stuff they’re looking for. Adding an inbuilt search bar adds value to your overall website design. Also, it adds value to your online business, attracts more customers, increases sales, and generates more ROI revenues.

10. Customer-targeted Products & Services

Use user database and stored site cookies to the best of your advantage. It helps you comprehend your customers’ shopping behaviors and buying mindsets. Thus, let’s you enable promote products and services towards audiences who are likely to buy those facilities. You can also add relatable themes to attract more clients to your e-commerce platform. It also betters your website design appearance.

Final Thoughts

Nowadays, physical businesses are turning their head towards digital mediums. One of the biggest reasons for going online is an upsurge in the population of mobile users. These days, a good-looking professional website design is the secret recipe for prospering ecommerce endeavors. A few other techniques to expand your business online includes the inclusion of a dynamic Check-out experience, a prolific Portfolio, sponsor-powered campaigns, and 24/7 customer service.

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