Wed. Sep 11th, 2024

Trail of Tears: The Wound That Will Not Heal

The Trail of Tears is one of the most infamous events in American history. This United States-United Kingdom conflict at the close of the 18th century led to the forced displacement and relocation of more than 15,000 Native Americans who were taken from their homes to live in Oklahoma and Kansas on a journey that was nearly 4000 miles long and took six months.


The Trail of Tears is a term used to describe the forced relocation of the Cherokee Nation in 1838. The Cherokee people were moved from their homeland in what is now eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina to Oklahoma. It was a result of the Indian Removal Act, which was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1830. This act sought to create a “greater United States” by removing all Native Americans living east of the Mississippi River from their lands.
The Cherokee Nation suffered greatly during the relocation process. They were forced to march hundreds of miles in hot weather with little food or water. Many died along the way, and those who survived were left homeless and impoverished.
In 2007, President George W. Bush issued a formal apology for the Trail of Tears. He stated that “the United States government inflicted great pain on these people, and our country is still paying the price.”

Native Americans and the Trail of Tears

It was a horrendous event in Native American history. It is estimated that over 15,000 Cherokee people were forcibly marched from their homes in the southeast United States to Oklahoma in 1838. The journey was often brutal, and many died along the way. The final destination for many of the Cherokee was a reservation in present-day Oklahoma, far from their ancestral lands. It has led to numerous disparities between Native Americans and whites in the United States. It has also been a source of ongoing pain and resentment for Native Americans.

Though the Trail of Tears has passed into history, it has left a gaping wound that will never heal.

Who was responsible for the Trail of Tears?

The Trail of Tears was a series of forced migrations of the Cherokee people in 1838. The events leading up to and following the migration are still debated by historians.

History of Racism Against Native Americans

The Trail of Tears is a history that has been passed down from generation to generation. The term “Trail of Tears” was first used by the United States government in 1839 to refer to the forced migration of the Cherokee Nation from their native land in present-day Georgia. The term “Trail of Tears” is now used to describe the forced removal of any group of people from their ancestral lands, often without their consent or against their will.

The Cherokee Nation was forcibly removed from their land in 1838-1839 and endured a horrific journey known as the “Trail of Tears”. Their route took them through present-day Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Tennessee. Over 4,000 Cherokee people died along the way due to disease, exposure, and hunger.

The root cause of the Trail of Tears was the desire of the United States government to annex the Cherokee Nation’s land. The Cherokee nation had resisted U.S. aggression for decades and had refused to assimilate into white society. The U.S. government viewed the Cherokee Nation as a threat because they were a proud, independent people who did not want to be subjected to American rule.


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