Things To Consider When Choosing Pakistani Clothing Brands In The UK

Luckily you don’t have to travel to Pakistan to treat yourself to some Sindh, Ajrak, or Punjab. However, a handful of stores in the UK cater to the Pakistani clothing niche, so you might have to look hard enough. Another option is to order online for your dresses and accessories but be careful because you may not get what you ordered. You may have limited options for Pakistani clothing brands in the UK, but here are a few things to consider before buying from a Pakistani clothing brand or ordering Pakistani clothes online.

Colour and Style Variety

Pakistani clothes are loved by many because most of them are full of colour and uniquely patterned. Fortunately, you can choose clothing brands with an extensive collection of designs, styles, and colours. There should be a variety in materials and fabrics and a dress for every occasion. The fashion brand you buy from should have a catalogue you can check out before making your decision. Also, make sure they have the materials included in the description so you are not caught unaware. It is always best to buy from well-known Pakistani fashion brands like House of Faiza to be safe because many people have fallen victim to fake online stores promising quality Pakistani dresses. Trusted brands have up-to-date websites and active social media accounts with real interactions.


Before buying dresses from a clothing brand, know their target audience. For example, some fashion brands only make dresses for middle-aged women. Although speciality can be a good thing, sometimes it is best to choose versatile and inclusive brands. Some brands take it a step further by customising dresses for you based on your designs. These options come at an extra cost, but it is worth it.

Texture & Care Instructions

Pakistani clothes are known for a smooth feel; they are made from materials that are easy on the skin and very comfortable to wear. Buy from fashion brands that produce dresses with a great texture, especially one that will make you comfortable. Each dress should capture the essence of Pakistani traditions and be durable and easy to maintain. Serious brands always have care instructions for their designs, so you don’t ruin them. It is almost impossible to know about the durability and texture of the dress till you buy it, so read the reviews and testimonials before buying from a brand.


Money always determines your purchasing power. So before you get too excited about ordering Pakistani clothes online, check the price first. The cost of clothing usually depends on the brand or quality. Also, come up with a budget before going on a shopping spree. Always choose brands you can afford. If the design is too expensive, move on if you are on a tight budget and select brands that offer sales and discounts. Are you indecisive about a costly dress and cheaper version? Use cost-benefit analysis. If you are going to wear expensive but high-quality garments regularly, buy them because they will last longer.

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