Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Sayings About Love: ‘Annoyingly Quirky, but Excellent For Romance’

Take a break from searching and downloading sayings about love with this article as you are brought to some of the most fascinating, quirky, and beautiful quotes of all time.

What Does Love Feel Like?

Love is annoyingly quirky but excellent for romance. Here are some sayings about love that express just how unique and special this emotion can be.

Is Love Real?

When it comes to love, is it really as real as we think it is? Some say that love is an annoyance, but others argue that it’s still one of the best things in life. Whether you believe in love or not, these quirkily cute sayings about love are definitely worth a read!

What Should You Do if You’re In Love but it’s Not Working?

If you’re in love but it’s not working, take heart! There are plenty of sayings about love that can help you move on. Here are a few:

  1. “Love is like a hurricane. You never know when it’s going to hit, but when it does, it’s hella powerful.” – Unknown
  2. “Love is like a razor–sometimes it cuts you and sometimes it doesn’t.” – Unknown
  3. “Love is like a mirage. It looks so close, but then you reach out and touch it and it’s gone.” – Unknown
  4. “Love is a game that two people can play endlessly.” – Unknown

Saying For People Who Don’t Believe in Love

Annoyingly Quirky, but Excellent for Romance

There’s something about quirks that make them all the more endearing. Whether it’s a loved one who is endlessly creative or simply someone with an interesting way of looking at the world, quirks are what make us love them even more. If you’re struggling to find things to say to your loved one during those special moments, these quirky expressions of love might just do the trick!
“You complete me.”
“I could never replace you.”
“You light up my day.”

Sayings About Dating and Relationships

  1. “Love is an annoyance, but it’s a very pleasant annoyance.” – Unknown
  2. “If love means never having to say you’re sorry, then I’m all for it.” – Unknown
  3. “Love doesn’t make the world go round, but it makes it a much more interesting place.” – Unknown
  4. “Love is like a parachute; it helps you survive when you hit the ground.” – Unknown

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