Wed. Jan 15th, 2025

Pinky Rings: How to Wear and Where to Buy

There’s something strangely appealing in the men wearing rings. You can sense their strong, confident and passionate aura. It takes one glance to understand: that man’s got something to surprise you with. He surely possesses some artistic talent or creative mind, and strong will to make important decisions. And finally, only the men confident in what they say would accent their gestures with jewelry.

Over the centuries people found different excuses and explanations considering the choice of a finger to wear the ring on. Here’s what they say about pinky. Palmists are convince that the men wearing their rings on a pinky finger possess inventive and inquisitive mind, and they’re equally good at listening and talking. The fans of Greek mythology find parallels with Mercury, a clever god of commerce, finance and communication. Others connect pinky with Hindu god Jaladurga, symbolizing water, whatever it means. If you wish to put a ring on a pinky finger, you are welcome to use any of these reasons, or just keep the information for a nice conversation starter about your jewelry.

As the pinky unlike the majority of other fingers has only one neighbor due to its location, it makes the finger a comfortable place to wear a ring on. For the most men this is the real reason to put it there. It also gives the jewelry a priority to be more visible and easy to observe. But let’s remember that the pinky ring still has one neighbor, and frequently it’s a very significant and special engagement or wedding ring. In this case you’ll have to carefully style your pinky ring accordingly to it and make sure they don’t damage or scratch each other.

Historically, pinky was the popular finger for signet rings. The ring that featured a family crest, initials, rank or job title was a very frequent jewelry worn on a pinky or a ring finger. The engraved piece was a practical jewelry used for sealing mail and signing important documents. Only rich and respectable men were allowed to have one, that’s why the signet ring worn on a pinky finger has soon become the marker of status, high position and wealth. Today, the signet rings have lost their initial purpose, leaving only decorative goal. Some may consider them outdated and even tacky, but signet rings will always attract men seeking for self-expression and the connoisseurs of personalized jewelry. The fine-crafted signet on a pinky finger provides the aristocratic vibes inherent to the image of a true gentleman, and if it’s a real vintage jewelry, the jealousy and respect is guaranteed. 

Pinky is also a frequent place for different club and fraternity rings. Colleges, academies and universities often stand for the idea to unite their students with a special bond. It gives off the mysterious vibes of secret societies and provides the feeling of being chosen as a part of something unique. If you’re not participating in any of those, but would love to, you may use this idea to get yourself a ring of your favorite football club, for example. It’ll make you a part of a big community of fans, and it’ll become easier to meet the like-minded people.

The ring that has no special meaning behind it and the one you want to wear simply for fashion reasons is also appropriate for pinky finger. You’ll just need to learn how to pick one to make the most out of its style.

The range of materials is quite wide, from platinum and gold, to wood and plastic. But as we’re talking about high-end jewelry here, let’s consider the precious metals. So, gold, silver and platinum are the common choices for pinky rings. To make the right decision, you need to take into account not only your preferences, but your skin tone as well. Silvery colored metals like platinum, white gold and silver will look good on fair skin tones, while yellow and rose gold will compliment dark and olive skin.

If you’re a fan of sophisticated luxury jewelry, you should give a thought to a diamond pinky ring. They’re extremely popular these days. The diamond pinky ring will definitely draw attention to your hands, your status and your style. It’s the accessory that won’t go unnoticed. Add some fancy colored diamonds to spice the look and the success of your image is guarantee. The black diamond pinky ring is the essence of charm, mystery, masculinity and sensuality all at the same time. It’s the very definition of good taste.

Picking the pinky ring you’ll need to find the style that satisfies your aesthetic preferences. The massive jewelry is popular this year, but you need to understand, that the bulky pinky ring should be large not just for every finger, but for the smallest one. If looking like a mafia boss is not your aim, avoid the hefty pinky ring that’ll make your look tacky. This season the pinky rings of laconic geometry designs are more popular than over-the-top complicated ornaments. But the experiments with colors, gems and structures are on contrary very welcome and add fresh vibes to the look. The wide hammered pinky rings for men are the hot trend of the upcoming year. They are simple, but eye-catching, and may easily become your favorite anxiety ring.

Very often, such questions as “How do I buy a real gold pinky ring?”, “How much is a 3 carat ring?” or “Can I purchase a real diamond ring from the Internet?” are really the question of “Where to buy a pinky ring?” When you find the respectable jewelry store, you wouldn’t need to worry about the authenticity of your jewelry. You may get a lot of offers on the Internet to buy gold and diamond jewelry for low prices, but checking and double-checking will lead you to the conclusion that it’s a counterfeit at the very least.

It’s better to be careful and look for the store with fair prices, but positive reviews and nice reputation. The good old brick-and-mortar jewelry stores are also a wise decision, as you will be able to directly talk to the assistants, ask for certificates and papers required for your high-end jewelry and to try on the ring to see how it fits, how it feels and how it looks on you.

If you’re still wavering about getting yourself a pinky ring, look up the pictures of celebs wearing those jewelry items. You’ll get the boost of confidence and clear understanding of how appealing and seductive the male hands with fine jewelry can possibly get. And a pinky ring is the best choice either for your first ring or as the replenishment of your jewelry collection.

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