Business fundamentals – work according to your plan

Business fundamentals – work according to your plan

Business goes on schedule

Nothing happens until it is determined. Public transportation, sports events, TV shows, movies, deliveries, business meetings, pay-days, bill payments, and college classes all work on a schedule. The schedule is done. Successful home Business fundamentals owners plan their work and work according to their plans. Do you have a business plan?  If you have a business, are you following it? 

I find it amazing how people show up to work every day, punch the clock at that time, wait for their break, have lunch, and then poke to go home. They work according to their employer’s plan, and they fail when it comes time to work on their plan. They are very tired, it is very difficult, business does not work for them. These people should just quit their Business fundamentals and stop wasting time.

I see frustrated new agents in my office who have no plans. They can’t sell or get leads. They fail to follow a proven procedure given by the broker.

Truth and clarity

Having a plan brings transparency. When you work on your plan you overcome frustration, delay, doubt, and fear.  If you have a job, you have to dedicate your time and energy.  There is no such thing as a business fairy who will turn around and bless you with sales. It takes effort and a diligent effort.

Understand that grind, learning curves, loss of money and failed marketing are on the way to success. You cannot avoid these obstacles. They will arrive and if you work your plan you will surpass them.

Here are 5 ways to make your plan work

1. Outcomes of your business – What are the goals of your home business?  Clear yourself about your results. Don’t start the journey until you know your destination.

2. Follow a Successful Plan – You have a success plan to follow. Real estate agents, insurance agents, and other independent contractors must have a franchise plan to follow. Here’s a clue … their plan works. Make their plan your plan. If you are a newbie, or you have no experience, their plan is your best shot for success.

You can come up with your own plan but learn from trials and errors. You can find successful systems that provide the training, marketing, and sales you need.

3. Create a schedule – You have a plan … Create a schedule now. For my team, I ask them to schedule three hours each day. Create content for 1 hour, market for 1 hour, and educate yourself for 1 hour. If you have more time, adjust accordingly. These are income-generating activities.

4. Use the Pomodoro technique – it is better to be effective with your time than to be efficient. This strategy is simple.  Work another 25 minutes and take a 5-minute break. Take a 30-minute break after 2 hours. I like to work for 50 minutes and take a 10-minute break. This will help you break down your workflow and reconnect with you every time you come back.

5. Use your time – As your business grows, you will receive funding to outsource worldly activities that you hate. You can use people and systems to help improve your business fundamentals without further ado. You can outsource to people who can do it better than you, and you make a profit!

There are successful business models that have this leverage system. Make sure the company has a track record for success.

Read More: Business Audit: Basic Fundamentals of Accounting

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