All You Need to Know About Office Desk Booking System

The novel Coronavirus pandemic has put all of us down for a change. Everything in the world slowed down including the country’s economic activities or ceased to operate as health and safety standards have become the highest priority for all of us. The health and safety crisis sat a threat to national protection.

For an instant, companies have adapted to these changes by allowing their employees to work from home. But only a few organizations such as healthcare workers, home care – food, medicine, utility, communication, and more sectors were allowed to operate on a skeletal workforce.

Hybrid working and flexible seats

In the current challenging world and changing workplace, not every worker needs an assigned office desk or seat. Hybrid working and flexible seats are on the rise, opening the many doors to much needed artificial intelligence technology, and that’s what you need to know about the current technology – office desk booking system

Due to the pandemic and recent rapid digital transformation, the post covid workplace and employee is asking for more spread out workstations and ready to optimizing existing workspaces in their organizations. For those organization, having less desks and workspaces, resulting in more workers than office desks at the office.

Return back to the office at an alternate basis

For businesses looking to ask their employee to return back to the office at an alternate basis to accommodate changing work environment needs. For those businesses facing real estate issues and the problem with allocating desks and deciphering which employees CAN come in, and this is where you need to have an AI based intelligent software – office desk booking system.

Companies are looking for highest standard booking system to help them support an agile workforce with dynamic needs for in-person activity-based projects.

What is office desk management software?

Desk management software or system is nothing but an artificial intelligence software that uses technology to accommodate desk management, sharing, and meeting scheduling where automation, sensors, and IoT help facility managers to allocate seats in real-time, utilize the unutilized workspaces, optimize real estate, and better configure resources across office spaces.

 Why do you need it the most post covid?

If you are looking at a wide variety of offices around the world, whether less people or more, they all have same amount of space. Real estate and workplaces usage will be based on workers needs and they availability requirements. Whenever, how, and wherever an employee needs to work.

Many businesses today are using desk booking software to help control how many people come on the office, whenever, and wherever they’re going to sit. They can schedule their workplaces.

You can use workspaces more with better intent to accommodate work-from-office, on premise, and hybrid working models. 

Who really benefits from office desk booking?

Of course, everyone including office employees and business benefits a little differently.

Workers have more flexibility in choosing a workspace to work with on-the-go access, so they can reserve a space at the office.

With the system, facility manager gets better report, insights, and analytics into active/inactive workstations and can streamline covid protocols.

Businesses real estate can determine how well workspaces are being utilized and improve their productivity in the office.

The experience of employees as well as their teams can refine the journey from their transition from work from office.

How will you limit the number of workers that can come into the office?

While working from the office, limiting the employees can be done in a variety of ways. As a facility manager, you can also put restrictions on the number of office desks that are active, restrict them by office building, by floor, or even by neighborhood, etc which gives you greater control over spaces by reducing the amount of total available office space.

How can office booking software help with workspace utilization?

If you have a limited amount of real estate or when you’re working with fewer office desks post covid following government guidelines or you want to change the configuration of your workspace all together, understanding how your office workspaces are being used helps you make real-time adjustments, data, and accuracy to overall layout and office capacities.

Features of Office booking software:

  • It helps eliminate zombie rooms or blank spaces by automatically releasing them when no one shows up.
  • This software gives you real time insights, data, and accuracy into underused spaces so that facility manager can reconfigure layouts and allotments.
  • It will show how many office desk are actively occupied by the workers so you can either release or restrict current and future bookings.

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