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Monday, June 17, 2024

Top-rated websites for learning a foreign language online

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Language learning has been made easier now more than ever. All you need to learn a foreign language is a stable internet connection, a laptop, smartphone, or tablet. Also, you may require a working camera and headphones, and from there, you can learn any language from the comfort of your home at your own convenient time. There are tons of options available to help you in learning your new language. Therefore if you are looking for additional materials, then you can get them from different online websites. Therefore, there are various approaches to study a language, and attending language lessons online is one of them.

Below listed are some of the top-rated websites you may use to study a language online.

1. Busuu

Busuu is an online platform that offers foreign language learning opportunities to more than 60 million users. The platform prides itself in offering various languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, Turkish, Russian, and Arabic. In addition, the platform enables you to make use of several free services, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening classes. Also, you can make connections with other language students. While they do include flashcard resources, the significant advantage is that the user may work with native speakers directly. In addition, you may ask and answer questions to real people using your webcam, audio connection, or the Busuu chat window.

123 Teach Me 

This is a website that mainly focuses on learners interested in learning Spanish. However, this platform offers additional materials on anything you would like to learn in Spanish. It has a wide range of resources, including a Spanish Sentence Maker, free online games, and language-learning programs; there is something for everyone. The website is a little out of the current, but it’s simple to use. One of the most pleasing aspects of the site is the ability to start from whatever point you choose. You don’t even need to check in to get started. However, one limitation to it is that it only offers Spanish lessons.


Memrise takes pleasure in using real-world language. Their in-house linguists produce classes based on real-world language. In addition, their courses include thousands of video segments. These video clips show native speakers speaking their native tongue in their homes. This will help you become more comfortable with accents, voices, and culture. You may also utilize their “mems” to construct mnemonic devices to help you recall the words and make the process more pleasurable. They offer a variety of languages such as French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish, Japanese, and much more 

Learn a language

It is also a platform that offers various resources for an everyday language learner. Learning any language using this platform can start immediately. To help you gain a more profound sense of the life behind the language you’re studying, there’s a dictionary, words, verbs, phrases, and even culture to study. If you’re seeking classes, most languages have several short sessions available for free. Spanish, Italian, German, French, Chinese, Russian, and much more are the languages taught on this website.

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In conclusion, there are various websites offering language lessons online. Therefore depending on the language, you wish to learn, you will get the platform or you.


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