Stone in the garden: Rock garden, stone walkway and garden pond

Stone is an integral part of nature, and therefore we can use it indoors and outdoors. Today we will focus on how to use the stone in the garden, as its scope is really wide. You can find out where and how you can incorporate the stone into the garden architecture in the following lines.


Probably the most used way to incorporate stone into the garden is to create a rock garden. Skalka is an artificially created architectural element in the garden, which is supposed to resemble a natural scenery. The rock garden can be a great landmark in your garden.

It can be simple, but if you have the courage, you can try more complex and extensive variants with more demanding plant species. There are no limits to your imagination. However, there is one rule for a rock formation that you should not forget. And that is that you should take care of her regularly and systematically. Otherwise, its uniqueness will be lost.

Stone in the garden: Stone walkway

The stone walkway can add a new flair to the gardens. It doesn’t have to be a strip of stone, just throw a few pebbles or a few pieces of chipped stone and the new design of your garden is ready. Such a sidewalk has two functions. One is its practical side and the other is aesthetic. Today, there are many types of stone on the market that are suitable for building a gardens path. All you have to do is choose and get to work.

Garden Lake

Have you always longed for a small pond in which running water would be pleasantly splashing? So then is the right time to implement it. Each garden pond is connected with a stone or running water. You can use it to line the pond, but also to decorate it around, or to create a stone pond from the bowels, which will spring up. Again, the possibility is indefinite.

Other interesting ways to use the stone in the garden are, for example, a stone fence or drywall. If you leave a few holes in drywall, which you will later fill with clay and plants, your garden will be exceptional again.

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