5 Tips For Getting Into An Ivy League School

Let’s face it, Ivy League schools are the cream of the crop, and getting into one is high on the list of many ambitious, high-performing students. If you’re one of them then you’ve come to the right place. It can be hugely difficult to get into one of the best schools in the country, with only around 10% of applicants being successful. However, there are things you can do to help your application land on the desk of one of their admissions officers. Follow our tips to help bulk out your application and hopefully land a place at a prestigious institution. Check out our suggestions below!

1.Get The Grades

The most important thing when applying for an Ivy League is having good grades. Making sure you apply yourself throughout your whole high-school experience is vital as you’ll need to be a high performer when it comes to your GPA and SAT scores. If you’re worried about your grades, then why not seek out the services of a professional tutor like Going Ivy? You’ll have extra learning opportunities with a specialized tutor and be primed, prepared, and ready to go when it comes to admissions season.

2. Commit To Your Extracurriculars

Extracurriculars show that you can many other skills in addition to your academic performance. Consider your hobbies and work out how you can make them into successful extracurriculars. Of course, many Ivy Leagues offer sports scholarships, but they are fiercely competitive so another course of action may be more beneficial unless you’re the next Michael Jordan or Tom Brady. It’s better to be focused on becoming an expert in one extracurricular rather than spread yourself thin trying your hand at everything available. It’s better to be a master of one subject as admissions offices think favorably of people who can show dedication and passion.

3. Apply Early

If you’re set on a single school, it’s worth applying early to your school of choice. Many schools operate on a first come first served basis, so you’ll be in with a better chance. The only drawback is you can only apply early for one school, and if you’re accepted, you’ll need to attend that school over any others.

4. Practice Your Interviewing Skills

 You’ll need to interview for an Ivy League school, so making sure you interview well is essential. Work with a coach on your communication technique, and research the questions they’re likely to ask you. It’s imperative you’re prepared so you don’t fluster and mess up the interview as this will be a key part of your application process.

5. Have An Impressive Essay

You’ll need to write a fantastic personal essay if you want a shot at being accepted to an Ivy League. The most important thing is to come across as authentic. There is no point embellishing your achievements without proof to back up your claims, and you’ll soon be caught out if you’re applying with a certain skill or merit that you can’t display if you’re accepted. Just be yourself and aim to be as personal as possible.

Which Ivy League school are you applying to? Let us know in the comments!

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