What You Need to Know Before Buying a Laptop For Note Taking

best laptop for note taking

It’s simple to fantasize about yourself seated at a vintage typewriter, pounding away at the next great American novel. Alternatively, you might scribble out your tale by hand, filling pages of a rustic diary. Those are wonderful ideas, but they aren’t actually practical. Particularly if you want to earn a livelihood from your writing.

The laptop has replaced the typewriter as the modern writer’s instrument. You may no longer second-guess your laptop selection. You’re okay to go as long as it has a keyboard.

There’s a lot more to think about than the quality of your keyboard. If you want to make a career as a writer, your laptop is the one piece of technology that will assist you in doing so.

Whether you’re getting up with the sun to meet your daily word count targets or working into the wee hours of the morning to meet a deadline, your laptop must be with you at all times. Your laptop should be at your side, facilitating your writing rather than hindering it.

You’ll discover what to look for in the best note taking laptop, and get a peek at a couple of the finest writing laptops on the market below, so you can achieve your writing objectives with ease and elegance.

How to Select the Most Appropriate Laptop for Your Writing Needs

You don’t expect much from your laptop as a writer. The latest technical specifications may appear appealing, but all you really need is a comfortable keyboard, a good screen, and long battery life (for when you can’t locate an outlet).

Here are a few things to think about

The Screen Dimensions

You’re unlikely to give screen size a second thought. However, the size of your screen is crucial. Sure, you’ll have a word processor open and, hopefully, the WIFI turned off when you get into the flow of writing.

But what about when you’re doing research for your next book or a client’s article? If you’re anything like me, you’ll have 50 tabs open and be switching back and forth between them all the time.

A small 10-inch screen isn’t going to cut it in situations like this. Plus, you’ll need a lot of working memory to keep track of all the tabs and apps you’ll be running. Another issue to consider is the possibility of eye strain. Smaller screen sizes might force us to squint and strain our eyes, which can be very unpleasant after a time. Choose a bigger screen that will aid your eyesight.

The Keyboard

A decent keyboard is worth its weight in gold. A clumsy keyboard will destroy your writing productivity faster than anything else. Your keyboard should be a perfect fit for you. It should be easy for your fingertips to slide over the keys, and it should feel familiar.

Everyone’s tastes are different, but selecting a keyboard with good ergonomics that suits your hands will help you write more effectively.

Take some time to read the reviews to discover what genuine people have to say about the keyboards. Although most Macs have exceptionally pleasant keyboards, other laptops are also recognized for their keyboard quality. A few laptops with excellent keyboards may be seen in the section below (but remember you always have the option of using a third-party keyboard).

Portability in general

Whether you’re just starting out as a writer or have been doing so for a while, you’ve undoubtedly developed your own set of writing habits. Even if you like to work from home, you’ll probably want to get out of the house once and again (even if it’s only for your own health). Alternatively, you might write at coffee shops, co-working spaces, or on your sofa.

Basically, you’ll be aware of how portable your laptop is if you wish to work away from your desk or kitchen table. There are exceptions to the rule that the larger your screen and the longer your battery life, the heavier your laptop will be.

Overall, you’ll want to strike a balance between the machine’s weight and the additional features you’ll need.

The Purchase Price

Most of us aren’t making a lot of money as authors. Particularly when we’re just learning to link words together… As a result, it’s always a good idea to look for a low-cost laptop that fulfills all of your requirements. Here you can take a look at cheap gaming laptop under 100$. Fortunately, the laptop industry today is so competitive that you’ll be able to locate the ideal laptop while staying within your budget.

Battery Life

There isn’t always going to be an outlet accessible. Furthermore, it appears like every outlet inexplicably vanishes just when you need it the most. When you’re in the middle of a writing session, the last thing you want to do is unplug and go looking for a power outlet.

As a result, your battery life is something you’ll want to consider. Some laptops may last up to 10 hours on a single charge, while others are limited to only 3 hours. Keep the following considerations in mind as you shop for the finest writing laptop.


We all have distinct writing objectives, workflows, and requirements. To one writer, the ideal laptop may be nothing more than an overpriced lump of plastic. If you’re still undecided, consider the following questions before making a decision:

  • What is the size of my budget?
  • Which is more important to me: mobility or power?
  • How important is screen size to me?
  • Does it make a difference what operating system you use?
  • How much writing do I do when I’m not at home?

Check whether any of the laptops match your answers to the questions above.

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